↬ 23

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Jimin wakes up to Jungkook's soft voice calling him, and feels like crying when he opens his eyes to see Jungkook lying next to him, combing his fingers through his hair.

"Morning, Kookie..."

Jungkook smiles, and Jimin wonders if it's because he looks like a puffy mess right now.

"Sleep well?"

Jimin nods, curling further into Jungkook's side as if emphasizing his answer.

"Do you wanna talk? About yesterday?"
Jungkook asks carefully, and Jimin sighs.

"I was just stressed. The concert didn't go that well for me,"
Jimin murmurs, voice raspy with sleep and from straining his vocal chords in this bed last night.

"That's okay... We all have our bad days, you know? You're not alone in that,"
Jungkook hums, continuing the motion of his hand, and Jimin feels like purring from the sensation.

"Yeah, I know. I feel better today."

"Good... We have to get ready. There's an interview today."

"So, what's the inspiration behind your music?"
The interviewer asks, and Jimin has to fight a yawn as Namjoon starts saying the same things as always.

Instead, he plays with the holes in Hoseok's jeans until the older swats his hand away playfully, making him pout and Hoseok pinches his cheeks.

It's the usual for an interview with all seven of them. Every one of them can never just sit still and focus. There is always someone being distracted or in their own world.

Today is one of those days for Jimin and he turns to Yoongi instead, planning on disturbing him some, but changes his mind when he sees the older send him a stern look, obviously already knowing that he's restless and Jimin doesn't want to get his ass whooped after this.

"Jimin-ssi, tell us what Filter is about."

Jimin looks up at hearing his name, happy to be a little distracted from his distractions.

"Ah, when I came up with the concept I thought about how filters can be those of a camera application of social media, but also people's perspective and prejudice. I took these meanings into the song of how I want to present myself to the world in many different ways..."

While explaining, Jimin glances to the others and notices that Jungkook doesn't avert his eyes once while the others mostly look into the camera. And, just like that, he is once again not proven wrong of his forbidden thoughts. 

After finishing his little speech, his eyes linger a little longer on Jungkook, and they just gaze at each other for a moment, in their own bubble, before Jungkook blinks and looks away.

Jimin sucks his bottom lip between his teeth in thought. He knows that most of his suspicions about Jungkook probably are only in his head. He knows that it's there because Jimin wants for it to be true. It's because it's Jimin who's supposed to be tested for feelings.

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