🧡Money Problems

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Song: Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood

TW: swearing

Additional Info: Katsuki is called mom because he had a fertility quirk used on him to have his child.

No Ship

Money Problems (1/1)

Katsuki sighed as he swept the floors for the thirteenth time this week. His arms were sore and his knees were about ready to buckle. He wanted to lay down on the couch and maybe take a nap.

"Mom, you need to stop overworking yourself." A 13-year-old ash blond boy came into the kitchen.

"Oh hello, Kenji." Katsuki smiled at his son and lightly kissed his forehead.

"Did you even hear what I said?" Kenji asked softly.

"No, I'm sorry Hunny." Katsuki sighed and whipped his forehead with the back of his hand.

Kenji sighed sadly at his mother and swiftly took the broom from him. Katsuki was working too hard, it was Kenji's time to help.

"Kenji! I would like the broom back so I can continue my job." Katsuki spoke.

"Sorry but no. You need a nap and a cup of water, scratch that several cups of water." Kenji spoke and shoved his mother out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Katsuki sighed, he was exhausted. The couch looked so inviting, Katsuki stumbled to the sofa and flopped onto it.

"Here, drink" Kenji came out with a cup of water and set it on the coffee table in front of Katsuki.

Katsuki was already out like a light though. Kenji smiled softly and pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and placed it onto Katsuki. Kenji made sure his mother was comfortable before finishing all of Katsuki's chores for the day.

It was around 5 PM when Katsuki's boss came home. Shoto Todoroki needed a personal maid to clean his house, cook him dinner, and do other household chores. Katsuki was tight on money since his husband left him. So Katsuki searched day and night for a job to support him and Kenji.

Soon enough he found Shoto's ad in the newspaper and took it immediately. It was the best one on there, paying at 744.41 yen per hour (about 7.25 USD per hour). It really was horrible pay but it was enough for Katsuki and Kenji to get by.

Plus the job included housing for the two. Sure it was a barn in the backyard but it was better than nothing. Katsuki was able to give Kenji schooling (He was homeschooled, taught by Katsuki), three meals a day, and a roof over his head. Katsuki wished he could give Kenji more, at the very least afford to take him to a real school. Kenji has told Katsuki time and time again that he was content with what he has.

Shoto was a generous enough boss. He understood to give Katsuki the day off when Kenji was sick or needed his mother urgently. There were flaws to Shoto too, such as if the two-toned male came home drunk.

Shoto was an angry drunk and almost always took his anger out of Katsuki. Katsuki demands that Kenji never interfere for fear that Katsuki would be fired. Then Katsuki would be back where he started, penniless with no way to take care of him or his child.

Shoto sighed as he walked through the door. He set his briefcase down and hung up his jacket. He walked further into the house to see Katsuki cooking and Kenji working on algebra at the dining table.

"Welcome back Mr. Todoroki." Katsuki smiled warmly at Shoto. Shoto grunted in response and headed into his office.

"Mom, I need help," Kenji called, Katsuki nodded and set the vegetables he was chopping off to the side. He dried his hands on the towel he always had with him and walked to Kenji.

"I'm stuck on what to do next." Kenji pointed to the two-step equation he was on.

"Ok, well did you make sure to place all the variables onto one side of the equation?" Katsuki asked softly while pointing at the problem.

"Ah, that's what I did wrong," Kenji mumbled to himself. Katsuki smiled and ruffled Kenji's blond hair.

Kenji had features almost identical to Katsuki, the only different thing was his eyes. They were bright blue, like his great grandmother's.

Katsuki went back to cooking, He made enough for Shoto and leftovers for him to take to work tomorrow for lunch. Katsuki then packed up any leftovers left over from everything and packed them away for Kenji and him to eat for dinner.

Shoto never let Katsuki and Kenji eat with him. They had to eat out in the barn. It was fine though, Katsuki had no problem eating with Kenji.

"Kenji, I'm going to set the table for Mr. Todoroki. I need you to please either move to the living room of the kitchen."

"Ok mom," Kenji spoke and gathered his materials up. He set them on the counter Katsuki recently cleared.

Katsuki set out the food he made, a plate, silverware, wine glass, and a bottle of wine from the basement.

Katsuki then walked to the door of Shoto's office. He knocked four times and waited.

"Come in!" Shoto's rough voice sounded front the other side.

Katsuki nodded and opened the door to stick his head inside, "Dinner is done, sir." Katsuki said and backed out of the room.

"Thank you Bakugou," Shoto said quietly and headed to the dining table.

Katsuki nodded as a way of saying you're welcome. Katsuki then grabbed Kenji and their dinner. Both Kenji and Katsuki headed out to the barn in the backyard.

"Thank you, mom!" Kenji said happily before digging into the food Katsuki had made.

"Don't eat too fast or you'll choke," Katsuki warned and Kenji slowed down significantly. Katsuki chuckled and began to eat too.

The barn was rough around the edges but it was home. There wasn't much insulation so winters were freezing and summers were hotter than hell. There was only one mattress so Katsuki and Kenji had to share, that wasn't a big deal though. There was a small kitchenette with extra bread, canned goods, and smaller preservatives that they ate if there wasn't enough for them to eat from Katsuki's original batch in the house.

After dinner, Katsuki helped Kenji with school more. They also played games and laughed. There was warmth in the air and it wasn't from the wood stove in the corner of the barn.

Soon the two laid down to sleep. Kenji sighed and snuggled up to his mother. Katsuki ran his fingers through Kenji's hair and Kenji slowly fell asleep.

Katsuki on the other hand stayed awake to think. He hoped to save enough money to send Kenji away to the school of his dreams in America. Kenji had always wanted to go to Harvard and dammit Katsuki was gonna send him there.

By the time Kenji was 18 he'd have saved enough to send Kenji to Harvard. Katsuki and Kenji's lives weren't ideal and certainly not luxurious. But it was enough, they have each other and that's all they need.

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