🧡The Red Room

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Song: Six Feet under - Billie Eilish

TW: Blood, gore, dark web, murder, death

No ship

The Red Room (1/1)

Katsuki shivered as he walked down the sidewalk. He held a grocery bag in his left hand and his right hand was stuffed in his jacket pocket. He yawned and hunched his shoulders up to try and contain his body warmth.

"Ugh, I still have so much to walk..." Katsuki grumbled, he saw an alleyway next to him. He raised an eyebrow a bit, "Was this alleyway always here?" Katsuki mumbled, "Eh, whatever it's gotta be shorter than the way I've been taking." Katsuki concluded and turned down the dark alleyway.

"It's a little late for a pretty thing like you to be out, isn't it?" a dark voice said, the voice bounced off the walls so it was difficult to pinpoint where it came from.

"Hah?!?" Katsuki exclaimed.

"You are a pretty little thing aren't you..." Katsuki felt a hand ghost his back. He jumped forward and scowled.

"Get away from me creep!" Katsuki screamed and started to run away.

The man chuckled darkly and quickly grabbed the hood of Katsuki's jacket, effectively choking the boy a bit and stopping him. Katsuki thrashed, the man wrapped his arms around Katsuki's slim waist and hoisted him over his shoulder.

"NO, LET ME GO!" Katsuki screeched and squirmed. He used his quirk but it was fruitless, the guy had some sort of invincibility quirk.

The man walked to the opposite end of the alleyway to a white van that was parked.

The door slid open, another man that was taller than the one carrying Katsuki appeared and said, "Did you get a good one?" The guy asked, his voice was harsher than the other man.

"Yeah, I got a good one." The man smirked and tossed Katsuki into the van. Katsuki fought to sit up and get out of the van. The taller man was a step ahead though and activated his quirk.

Katsuki felt a light pressure of lips on his head and he felt sleepy. He fought the sleep but ultimately plopped back onto the van floor unconscious.

The van drove away and all that was left was the discarded shopping bag filled with the milk Mitsuki wanted.

Masaru was worried, his son was sent out to get milk hours ago and he still hasn't come home. Mitsuki went to bed a while and mumbled something about how great it would be if the brat stayed away.

It was now 6 AM an hour before school started and Katsuki was still not home. Masaru stayed up all night drinking coffee in the living room waiting for his son to come home.

It hadn't been 24 hours yet so Masaru couldn't report him as missing. Mitsuki sighed and walked out of her and her husband's shared room fixing her pearl bracelets as she got ready for work.

"You're still up?" Mitsuki asked gruffly.

"Yes, I'm worried. He still hasn't come home yet." Masaru said softly.

"Well, I'm off to work, don't call me if the brat comes back," Mitsuki said and slammed the front door.

Aizawa sighed as he walked into the classroom. The class was chatting with each other. Aizawa furrowed his eyebrows at the unfamiliar empty desk.

'He must be sick' Aizawa thought to himself as he gathered his class's attention.

"Today will be a bit different." Aizawa spoke clearly, "As heroes, you will be dealing with cases having to do with the dark web."

Mina raised her hand, "Yes Mina?" Aizawa spoke, his eyes screamed tiredness.

"What is the dark web, sir?" She asked.

"The dark web is a darker version of the web. It sells sex, drugs, illegal weapons, etc, etc." Aizawa spoke.

Izuku raised his hand next, "Yes problem child number 1?" He groaned.

"What will we be doing with the dark web?" Izuku asked curiously.

"Today we will be browsing it. The computer I will be using will get destroyed after and I will be limiting what you see." Aizawa said as he hooked the computer up to a projector.

Sero smirked and raised his hand, "What Sero?" Aizawa asked as he got onto the dark web.

"Can we watch a red room?" He asked calmly as to not sound suspicious.

"Sure?" Aizawa said not knowing what it was himself. Sero silently celebrated and nodded.

Aizawa went to the page with all the red rooms on it. He clicked on the first one which has the most viewers. It hadn't started yet so it was mostly waiting.

The screen loaded and there was a figure tied to a chair and blindfolded in the middle of the completely tiled room.

The figure was breathing heavily and frantically looking around. The chat on the side was going crazy. They were talking and betting about if the victim would cry or not.

Soon a message popped up saying it would start soon. A bigger figure in all black with a mask on walked into the room.

"H-Hello?" The class heard a chillingly familiar voice.

The man harshly took the back of Katsukis's neck and stood him up. The man growled and ripped the blindfold off the boy. The man shoved his face in front of the camera.

"Say your name." the man said with a very distorted voice.

"K-Katsuki, K-Katsuki B-Bakugou." Katsuki stuttered and looked fearfully into the camera.

"Kacchan!!" Izuku screeched and the class was in shock.

The man harshly pushed Katsuki into the middle of the room. Katsuki stumbled a bit but kept standing upright. The man took a scalpel from his pocket and removed the rope tying Katsuki's hands behind his back.

"Now, let us commence this session." The distorted man said and gripped the hair on the back of Katsuki's head.

Katsuki winced and his hand flew to grip the wrist of the man who held his hair. The man moved the scalpel to Katsuki's neck.

Katsuki whimpered and tears slipped from his eyes as the cold blade touched his Adam's apple. The chat went crazy about how they loved it when the victims cried.

"Do something Aizawa. That's Bakubro!!" Kirishima stood up and screeched.

"We are trying Kirishima, but the dark web is almost impossible to track," Aizawa spoke.

Swiftly the man slit Katsuki's throat open. Katsuki's hands gripped his neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding. He collapsed to the floor and the blood pooled in a great mass beneath his body.

"KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled tears falling down his face.

"BAKUGOU!" The rest of the class yelled.

The chat was going crazy cheering and saying how they loved how this victim acted. Aizawa choked on a sigh, a tear slipping from his eye too.

Not long after a screen popped up saying the program you are currently watching has ended. Aizawa exited out of the dark web and closed the computer slowly.

"Kacchan..." Izuku said quietly as he covered his mouth and tears fell down his face.

The Red Room (1/1)

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