🧡It's Called Having a Sugar Daddy

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Song: All Night Long - SEA

TW: Sugar daddy/baby dynamic, swearing

Additional info: Knox is an OC of mine and Katsuki is 18 (3rd year at UA)

Sugar daddy!Knox X Sugar baby!Bakguou

It's Called Having a Sugar Daddy (1/1)

Katsuki sighed as he leaned against the huge chest of Knox Quantic. Knox was one of the richest men in Mustafa, he owned his own firm and made billions in USD.

Obviously, Knox had too much money and he didn't know what to do with it. So he got himself a sugar baby, who is Katsuki Bakugou. Knox had a penthouse, bought all designer items, and still had money left over to spoil his baby.

Bakugou was in his second year when his friends were all in the common room playing a game. He was dared to make a profile on this website for finding sugar daddies. He of course did it for the dare but said he'd turn down anyone that asked to be his sugar daddy.

For the first five men that asked to be his sugar daddy, he did in fact turn them down. He started thinking to himself. Would it be so bad to have a sugar daddy? He asked himself constantly. So when Knox contacted him about being his sugar daddy, Katsuki accepted right away and thought what the hell might as well.

Katsuki never really asked for anything, Knox just always took him on shopping trips and bought him anything he saw caught Katsuki's eye. Katsuki liked the feeling of being spoiled and cared for so he happily stayed with Knox.

Katsuki's parents didn't know about Knox. They would freak the fuck out if they found out that Katsuki was a sugar baby. They'd ban him from the internet and never let him outside the house.

Katsuki sighed again and nuzzled his face deeper into Knox's chest.

"Everything ok, Doll?" Knox's smooth deep voice sounded from above.

"Yeah, I'm just really...really happy..." Katsuki smiled up at Knox.

Knox was well built and was similar in size to Endeavor. He was the complete opposite of Endeavor though. Knox was caring, sweet, and never forced Katsuki into anything he didn't want. He had a bit of stubble on his chin and had bright blue eyes, Katsuki loved to run his fingers through Knox's smooth brunette hair too.

"Well, that's good to hear," Knox said softly and ran his finger through Katsuki's hair.

Truth be told Knox loved spoiling Katsuki, it gave him a life purpose other than his successful business. Knox would buy Katsuki the world if he could.

The two continued to watch the movie they forgot was on and eventually fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

Katsuki woke up on Knox's chest. The two were laying on the couch in Knox's penthouse. Katsuki saw his phone on the coffee table and picked it carefully to not wake Knox up.

He had told his parents previously that he would be staying at a friend's little did they know it was his sugar daddy. It was 7 AM, he was late for school.

"Shit I'm late for school!" He shrieked, waking Knox with a jolt.

Katsuki hurriedly got up, the short silk nightgown he was wearing smoothing out a bit. He ran to Knox's bedroom and grabbed the spare uniform he kept in there

He quickly changed and grabbed his school bag that was near the front door. He headed to Knox's straight after school yesterday so it was already here.

Knox stood by the door in sweatpants and a plain t-shirt twirling his Porsche keys in his hand.

"Hurry, I'll drive you Doll." Knox smiled and they headed to the garage.

Knox drove slightly above the speed limit to get Katsuki to school. There were students still entering the building as they pulled up.

Katsuki quickly planted a kiss on Knox's cheek and got out of the car. Knox smiled at Katsuki as he slammed the car door and practically ran into the school.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Knox pouted and drove away, he'd end up going to work and getting expensive coffee.

Katsuki walked into the classroom, panting. The students raised their eyebrows at him. He was so glad he got in class before the bell.

Not long after Aizawa walked into the classroom. Students scurried to their seats and Aizawa began class.

School ended and Katsuki was exhausted. He wanted to go home with Knox and take a nap. He pulled out his phone and clicked on the contact named "Daddy🥵💞"

"Aww, Bakubro do you still call your dad, daddy?" Kirishima asked the rest of the Bakusquad crowding around him too.

'Is he an idiot? Does he not see the emojis next to the contact name?...I've got an idea.' Katsuki smirked and bit his lip, he presses speaker.

"Hey Doll! What's up?" Knox's deep voice sounded, it was Knox's tired voice that made Katsuki weak in his knees.

The group silently gasped, and Katsuki talked to Knox.

"Hey Daddy, can you pick me up from school today?" Katsuki said still smirking.

"Of course Doll," Knox said sweetly and hung up.

"Who...was that?" Sero asked quietly still in shock.

"That was Knox Quantic." Katsuki bragged.

"The lawyer, who is also like super rich?" Mina spoke.

"Yup! He's also my sugar daddy." Katsuki said smugly.

"YOU HAVE A SUGAR DADDY?!?!?!" The squad yelled in sync.

"Yes, now be quiet!" Katsuki scolded as he walked out of the classroom, the squad not far behind.

Soon they made it out front and there Knox stood in black slacks and a white button-up. The first two buttons were undone and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.

Katsuki almost collapsed right out front of the school from how hot Knox was. Knox smirked at Katsuki knowing he did something to the blond.

"Wow..." Mina mumbled.

"It's called having a sugar daddy, Mina. Maybe you'll think about getting one now. But not Knox, he's mine." Katsuki skipped up to Knox and smiled at him. The two got into Knox's Porsche and rode off into the distance.

"Holy shit Bakugou has a sugar daddy," Kaminari spoke still in disbelief.

"Who's also rich and got money." Sero finished.

"Someone say money?" Uraraka popped out of a bush not even three feet away.

It's Called Having a Sugar Daddy (1/1)

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