The Crow

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  (a/n) before i start, i want to say there could be some triggering topics in the story. if you are sensitive to some topics i advise you not to read this.

also, words like this are thoughts

"Shit.. I'm out of gas.." My ODM gear completely ran out of fuel. There were dozens of ugly looking titans coming right towards me. I crash landed onto a tall building near by. I smiled, i didn't know why but I felt really happy in that moment. I wanted to give up, maybe I would finally be free from this hell we live in. All life does is steal from us.
     As I accepted my fate, I looked up and smiled again. The sunset was so beautiful up here on the tallest building. I couldn't stop smiling, even some tears fell down from my eyes to the ground. I looked down and I could barely just see the ground from this height. I turned around and spread my arms like a bird. There was something out in the distance, I couldn't see exactly what it was but it almost looked like a crow coming towards me. I wonder what it would feel like if I was that crow. I've always wanted to have wings and fly around without a care. I finally leaned back, falling down and down... "So peaceful.." My (h/l) (h/c) hair flew through the gust of wind. I put both my hands on my chest and I could feel my heart beating abnormally fast. I laughed and said "I'm crazy aren't I". I could see the black crow coming closer towards me faster and faster. I think i could even hear it caw. The stars were coming out and they looked as beautiful as ever. I saw a shooting star gliding through the sky. "How beautiful" I whispered. I couldn't see the top of the building anymore, that must mean i'm close to the ground. Then it happened.

     I finally hit the ground.


      It was pitch black when I slowly opened my eyes. The only thing giving off light was the moon and the stars. All the titans that were walking towards me were gone. This place seemed oddly familiar, maybe it's just deja vu? No, it's my home. The home I grew up in. Why am i here? I saw myself, playing outside in the dark. I'm confused, why am i seeing my childhood memoriesBut then I knew why.

     I was dead.

     I was always so afraid of death, I would think about it every single night. I always wondered how it would happen and if it was painful. Well now I know. It's not painful, it's the most peace i've ever been in. I smiled knowing I would never have to go through that god awful hell again. But then..

     I woke up in someone's arms. I was alive again and I could feel the warmth from them touching my cold freezing body. My heart rate was so low and i felt numb from the cold. The wind wasn't helping at all. I felt something dripping on me, is it rain? I felt the persons arms hold me tighter until they finally let go and walked away. I opened my eyes to see who it was, but I couldn't, my vision was too blurry. They hurt from the tears i cried when I was falling. With the little strength I had, I curled up and waited for them to come back, but they never did. I started crying from my blurry sore eyes. I fell asleep some time after that.

The Crow (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now