Unexpected Visitor

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When I finally woke up to Sasha sitting aside me.

"How long was I out for" - I said in a raspy toned voice

It hurt so much to talk. My vocal chords were scorching with pain.

"Maybe around 5 or 6 hours.. nothing too serious. Hey did you want some bread? I grabbed an extra ration for you during lunch."

"sure.." - I said taking the piece of bread from her hands. "Has the nurse said anything? Does she know what caused me to black out like that?" I really have no idea how that happened. I felt a pit in my stomach. This never would have happened if I wasn't so fucking stupid. I should have died. Everything would have been better.

"Hey... (y/n)..?" - Sasha called out snapped her fingers to get my attention. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah.. sorry.." - I struggled to take a bite of the slightly warm bread.

"You're zoning out, are you sure? anyways I haven't heard much from the nurse, but she said that a certain someone wanted to see you. I'm not sure who"

"yes Sasha I promise.. I'm just fine... and oh.?" - Who would ever want to see me? I'm nothing special.

The nurse knocked on the door for permission to come in. She walked in to check my vital signs.

"(y/n) how are you feeling?"- She asked

"I'm alright.. just tired." - I lied. I was so much more than tired. The agonizing pain of my entire body ached. I could barely move. It was like there was a huge weight on my body. I had to suck it up though, I need to be strong. Just like she was....

My entire brain suddenly flooded with memories of my mother. She had died right after the titans broke into Shinganshina District. She was always strong. I strived to be just like her when I young. Now look where I am. A useless weakling. It was my fault she died. I stood there and watched with fear striking my body. Her screams ran through my head again. I remember her lifeless body being dragged by a titan. It threw her up and caught her, then swallowed her whole. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve me, a useless daughter who could do nothing but just stand there like a scared little wimp.

"(y/n)" - the nurse tapped me lightly. "Distracted today, aren't we?"

"sorry.. I just-"

"don't worry" - She chuckled lightly and tucked me into the warm white blankets. She got up and started walking to the door.

"wait-" - I called out.

"yes, (y/n)? what do you need?"

"oh w-well.. uh.. it's jus- Sasha told me that someone wanted to see me."

"Don't worry (y/n) They came while you were unconscious. They asked to be kept anonymous." - She walked out of my hospital room and lightly shut the door.

I wonder who it was...

"Hey Sasha, who do you think it is?"

"Well I know everyone has been asking about how you're doing, but my guess that it's probably Armin, he's been dying to see you."

Armin, one of my bestfriends. It probably is him.. he's always been so caring and sweet. I wish I could have seen him while I was awake.

"I bet you're tired Sasha, you should get some rest."

"Are you sure you'll be ok (y/n)? I can stay if you'd like."

"Don't worry, I'm alright. I really wish I could see you all right now, I want to get out of here."

"You'll be out in no time! I know it! You should get some rest as well, you need it. I'll see you tomorrow (y/n)! Sasha fled out of the infirmary.

I really do wish I could leave this stupid place. I hope she's right, that I'll be out in no time.

The sound of the door handle and the door opening caught my attention. I quickly covered myself with my blankets and pretended I was asleep.

Who would that be? Who would come at this time? I thought.


The soft mumble sounded almost like none other than... Levi? Why would he be here? Am I in trouble? What is his reasoning for being here? I guess I shouldn't worry too much...

He sat in the chair next to my bed and his soft hands touched my face. He made sure I really was asleep. I tried not to make any sudden noise to give myself away.

"This is my fault Cadet.. I should have caught you in time, I'm sorry." He place a hand onto my own. His soft warm hand was somehow so... comforting.

I would have never expected a visit from Levi out of all people. And what is he talking about? He should have caught me in time? Was he the one who held me after I hit the ground? Was he the one who walked away? The one who was in my hospital room this morning? Was it him?

I didn't have time to worry about it. I was too tired to worry. I slowly drifted to sleep. His warm hand still attached to mine. I fell into a comfortable sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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