Part 1💕

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I'm cruising the Gram when I get a text from Micah. I assume it has to do with our plans to meet up on Tuesday. I'm so excited. Micah, Alisa, and I haven't all hung out together since the summertime.

Hey, I like this girl, and I want her to notice me. How do I get her to do that?

I immediately respond.

AHHHHH who is it??


Seriously? You're asking for my help, and you won't tell me?

Just help me first and then I'll say.

I sigh.

Fine. Tell me what her personality's like or, like, describe her because that will affect my answer.

She's really smart and keeps up with her grades. She's also really sweet and probs hasn't ever said a bad thing about anybody. And she's really pretty.

(Insert a million heart-eye emojis.) AHHHHHH Micahhhh. You got it bad, my dudeee, I text.

Okay so help me. What should I do?

Well, I would say the first thing you should do is try to get to know her. If it wasn't COVID season, I would say to take her on a few outings with some friends but then you could risk your health and hers. So maybe just try to facetime her a couple times. Anything casual that you can do with her (even if other people are involved) to get to know her is good. Because then you can ask her to hang, but instead of it just being a chill hang, you can plan out specific things that you know she'll like based on what you learned about her. Like if she said she really likes ice cream, for example, you could take her out and get her her fav flavor. Something like that.

So, in summary, first, you should get to know her in a chill way which will also give you a chance to maybe read how she feels about you. Second, ask her to hang but actually plan out specific things to do that you'll know she likes. Third and final step, BAM either tell her how you feel subtlety or just go ahead and out rightly drop the bomb. Personally, I think just going for it is better because it's, like, more sincere and shows her you really care about her.

Wow that was a lot, I text, scrolling back over what I said. I smile. I could be a freakin' love expert at this rate.

I could be a freakin' love expert, I text.

I look down when I hear my phone ding.

So when I tell her how I feel, just go for it?

Oh yeah totally, I respond. A lot of girls love it when guys tell them directly how they feel even if they're nervous because you're basically saying to the girl, I like you so much, that I'm going to put my heart on the line, even if that means potentially getting hurt.

Okay. Just go for it. Just do it, he writes.

Like Nike.

But the first thing that I should do is facetime her?

Yeah. Normally, I would say ask her to hang, but with the virus, I think you should start with facetiming and use that to get to know her.

Okay. Want to facetime?

I laugh and choke at the same time. Why?? So you can spill the tea on who she is?

Just answer.

Immediately, my phone starts buzzing and the screen lights up with Micah's contact photo, a really embarrassing picture of him from junior year when he was sleeping in class. He was really mad when he found out I took it.

"Yelloooo," I say as soon as I pick up right as Micah tries to speak.

"Oh, sorry. What did you just say?" I ask.

"I said I'd rather just get to know you." His face is starting to break out into this huge grin.

"What?" I say, laughing nervously.

"You asked me if I was going to spill the tea. And I'm saying, I'd rather just get to know you." The grin is growing bigger and goofier by the second.

I start to say something when suddenly my aunt, mom, and cousin come through the door in a heated discussion.

"He really said that before just walking out," I hear my cousin say.

"The excuses people make these days," my mom responds, and my cousin and aunt nod their heads in agreement.

I look at Micah. "Hold on one second. My fam just came home, so I'm going to go upstairs."

As I walk past my family and start to go up the stairs my aunt asks, "Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, just Alisa," I reply before running up the steps and into my room. I definitely do not need to hear my family ask questions like, "Oo, Micahhh?" and "What are you two talking about?" which is why I tell them it's just Alisa. I just don't have the energy to handle questions like that plus suggestive eyebrow raises tonight.

"Did you just say Alisa?" I hear Micah say from the phone once I reach my room and shut the door.

"Oh, sorry," I laugh nervously. "I thought I had muted myself. Anyways, so um--"

"Are you embarrassed to tell your family that you're talking to me?"

"What? No!," I exclaim truthfully. "Micah that's not it at all. They just would've made really embarrassing jokes if I had told them that it was you like, 'Omg, when'd you and Micah get so close,' and I just do not have time to deal with that right now. But, anyways, so you facetimed me--"

"I think I have to go."

I look into the phone. Micah's head is down, and he looks really, really frustrated. Why does he look so frustrated?

"Wait, what? Why?"

"I just have some stuff that I have to do." And with that, Micah hangs up before I can even say bye. 

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