54. Where is the fire?

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"Love, it's time to get up," a gentle voice spoke to me as I was just about to beat my family at Risk.

My mother watched proudly, while my brother looked in horror as I took my last move.

You can do it, Riley- you can win this battle, my mum cheered on.

You can do anything you set your mind on, princess, my father added.

I smiled smugly at my brother as I conquered his last territory, taking my rightful place as the victor of the game. I bounced around the room on my toes, dancing to the celebratory music in my head. The whole place smelt of apple and cinnamon as my mum was baking while we were playing. I stuck my tongue out to my brother as he sulked about his loss, while my dad stroked his head, telling him that there was no shame in losing to his little sister.

It was a true moment of bliss until someone interrupted me in the middle of my victory dance.

"Come on, love- we need to get going."

Going?! Going where? This was my moment of triumph and no one was going to take it away from me.

My family were all smiles and laughter as I celebrated, and even Luc eventually came around, my funny faces finally winning him over.

Something warm pressed against my neck and I felt my whole body arch in sweet pleasure. My parents and Lucien slowly started to fade away before the bright light hit my eyes.

"That's it, love, open your eyes," the voice encouraged me and so I did.

I smiled as I saw the gorgeous face that was hovering over me. My hot dragon pressed another kiss on my neck, working his way over to my lips where he planted a teasing peck on my mouth. I could seriously get used to being woken up like that.

"You were smiling so much as you slept, mate, that I was starting to get a bit jealous...unless you were dreaming about me, of course," he said with a playful wink.

"I was actually kicking arse at Risk, I'll have you know. And you woke me up right as I was enjoying the satisfying moment of my victory."

"Oh, I can give you something else to be satisfied with." That mischievous smirk on Aiden's face was going to be the end of me.

I looked around and realised that someone was missing, which made my heart ache for some reason.


"He went for a run," Aiden explained but I knew what he was not saying. I hadn't thought about what the morning would be like after everything that happened the previous night. "Don't think about it- he just needs to clear his head. Last night was pretty intense for all of us."

I stretched my hand out so that he could place his in mine and that was when I saw it again- the beautiful dragon tattoo that was now adorning the back of my wrist. Instinctively my other hand flew to my neck where I could still trace the outline of Rafe's bite.

Aiden's gaze grew anxious as he followed my every move as if he was not sure how I would react now.

"I'm sorry....we didn't mean to do it without your consent. There was just no other-"

I didn't wait for him to finish as I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a deep, passionate kiss.

"Don't you ever apologise again for saving me! Sure, I would have prefered it this happened on our own terms but, honestly, I never again want to be under that cambion's control."

Aiden cupped my cheek and I could feel the heat radiating from his palm.

"It will never happen again, Riley. Not as long as Rafe and I can do something about it."

Stronger as One (#1, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now