75. ...And forever (part 2) 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

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Listening to him, I felt breathless, weightless.

There were so many emotions brewing deep down in me I didn't even know how to express them. I pressed my lips together, trying to contain my sentiments but my quivering chin gave me away, so I pressed my hand against my mouth to conceal the extent to which Rafe's words affected me.

Aiden's arms wrapped themselves around my waist, pulling me closer to him so that he could whisper in my ear once again. "We are shifters, Riley. There are no second chances. There is no changing our minds once the mating is completed-just the three of us, forever. We will worship you, love you. We will kill to protect you or die doing so. But above all, we will be yours and you will be ours until the end of our days."

This, this was the feeling of belonging that I never knew I needed. I had hated that my fate was decided for me but now I was sure that this is where I was meant to be. Cherished by my two mates, pressed between their bodies when we were not leading our kinds.

"Yes." My voice was raspy with emotion and so quiet that I barely heard the answer myself.

Fuck that!

I was the mate of two Alphas, the daughter of Alphas. I had these two amazing men who wanted to know if I was going to be theirs and I was not going to give them some weak, lame-arse answer. I cleared my throat, taking a second to calm myself, and I tried again.

"I'm yours. Now and forever," I proclaimed, my affirmation causing waves of euphoria to flood our bond.

In the blink of an eye, I was scooped up from the floor. Rafe's stiff cock pressed against my arse, my legs were wrapped around his waist, as he moved us from the rug to one of the two modern chaise lounge recliner chairs in the living room.

He settled into the soft seat and leaned against the cushioned backrest before he pulled me against his chest, entwining his lips with mine. Rafe explored my mouth with such dominance that I couldn't help but give in and follow his lead.

My butt perched in the air and my back arching as I kneeled over his body while he held me pressed against his upper body. My hands greedily explored every inch of his hard arbs with a mind of their own until they found themselves grabbing onto something harder, pulsating. I moved further down and stroked his tight, swollen balls with the pads of my fingertips, making his dick twitch below me right as he moaned into my mouth. My hand wrapped around his shaft and moved up and down along his erection, causing our kisses to intensify.

The rougher we became, the more my dark desires flared.

More, I need more. I wanted to feel them both, to submit to them- the way that I would do only with two men who owned my heart and my soul.

As if reading my mind, a heavy hand landed on my butt cheek, smacking my flesh in a way that I was sure was going to leave a red print on my arse. The heat from Aiden's palm burned my skin and made my core gush, eliciting a whimper of pleasure from me.

"You are ours, love," my dragon mate growled with a dominance that I had never seen him use with me before, which only turned me on more.

It caught me by surprise because, usually, Aiden was the gentle lover and Rafe the rougher one. But just as I realised that Rafe had a softer side to him, I had always suspected that Aiden's dominant Alpha side was going to come out to play at some point. That's what I loved about them- they were everything I wanted and more, keeping me on my toes while giving me what I needed.

His finger slipped inside my wet core, pumping in and out of me as I tried to push myself against his hand, wanting more than just his digits. A jolt of pleasure and wonderment ran through me when he ran one of his thumbs over my butthole, circling it and tapping on it.

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