48. Streets of Philadelphia (new)

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We crossed through the portal and entered into a beautiful, brightly-lit penthouse in Philadelphia. I was in awe of the fact that we had just travelled thousands of miles in the blink of an eye. The buzzing sound of the portal behind me started to weaken and I turned around just in time to have it disappear right in front of my eyes.

I heard chairs being dragged across the floor and I saw that the boys had found themselves a spot at the island in the kitchen. Instead of joining them, I decided to take the time to explore. The apartment was gorgeous- it had a modern feel to it with outstanding hardwood floor and sleek blackwood cabinetry all around. The floor to ceiling windows allowed for the warm rays of the sun to pervade the whole space, giving the place a warm and cosy feel. Three huge bedrooms were spread across the apartment, together with two large light grey bathrooms with black fixtures, large tubs and sophisticated steam showers at the disposal of those staying here. There was even a private elevator to access the penthouse.

I made my way back to Aiden and Rafe, picking up the note that they had chucked on the island surface.

Make yourselves at home. I am otherwise occupied today, but I will come tomorrow to check on you and brief you. There is a car at your disposal in the garage. Enjoy your time in Philly. T.

I wish my brother had told me more about his contact so that I knew what to expect, or rather who to expect. He did tell me something else though. Something that I had not really been able to stop thinking about since he mentioned it. There were rumours of witch in the neighbouring state of New Jersey, who herself had plenty of dealings with the Sun and Moon Goddess, being mated to a vampire. Or so the stories went.

Given that she was working as a psychic, it could have all easily been just silly hearsay. But if it was true, it would have meant that there was at least one other human who knew of the supernatural world, someone who was also mated to a being from another kind. I didn't even know that vampires existed; at the same time, I was past the point of being phased by all my supernatural discoveries lately.

Still, I definitely had not expected her mate to be a vampire. Then again, this was coming from the human girl with the wolf and dragon mates, so who was I to judge, really. And as a witch, she was bound to have more insights about how this was all possible.

Lucien told me all of this information so matter-of-factly that he could as well have been talking about the weather in Philly. I couldn't believe it when he said that I could consider visiting her if I had the time.

If I had the time. I was obviously going to find the time to go, and speak with her.

All I could hear were the million questions I had in my mind. Was she also a witch before she met her mate? Did she always know about the supernatural world? Did she reject her mate or stay with him? And what the hell were the Goddesses playing at with both of us?

In a way, finding out about her excited me- I felt relieved to know that I am not the only one like that in the world and I secretly hoped that Faith would be able to give me some of the answers that I so badly needed, at least as far as my mates predicament was concerned.

I had already checked out her psychic office before we arrived, so I knew that it was less than an hour away from Philly. Here I was with a car at my disposal and a whole day ahead, as it was only midday on the East Coast. My mind was made up—I was going to see her in Mount Holly.

"It looks like we have some free time today. Why don't you guys go and check the bars- or whatever it is that you do in your spare time- and I will go out and keep myself busy," I interrupted the boys' conversation, eager to get a move.

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