Third Exam: Trick Tower(Part 2)

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Several hours later....

Leorio looks at the time while laying down in frustration, Tonpa and Kurapika are sitting quietly against the wall, Happy is still sleeping, Killua is leaning quietly against the wall, while gon and wendy are observing on the unconscious Majitani.

Killua walks up to them, "Is something wrong, you two?"

"Uh-Huh." Wendy nods and Gon points at Majitani.

Killua gets what they mean, "I get it..." he then walks back to leorio, "Hey..." he looks down and alerts leorio, "It's possible that he's already dead."

"Is it possible?" Leorio gets up.

"Well, it's been several hours and he hasn't moved an inch." Gon says before they ran to the edge, with Kurapika and Tonpa following them.

Happy wakes sup after hearing them run forward, "H-Huh? Wait, does that mean he made a decision?" The cat gets up and follows them.

"Hey! We need to check his body!" Leorio calls out to the prisoners.

"What's that?" The female prisoner asked.

"He could already be dead." Leorio points to Majitani.

"I already told you, he's in unconscious." She reminds him.

"How many hours has it been?" Leorio questions, "I can't just take your word for it!"

She smirks and then, "Then let's make a bet."

"A bet? On what?" Leorio doesn't get it.

"On whether he's dead or alive." She answers.

"What would we wager?" Leorio questions.

"Time." She says, "We will settle our match through a betting game, a gamble. And we'll use time, rather than chips. Look at the monitor on the wall. We each have fifty hours, however we can only wager a multiple of ten. We continue placing bets until one of us are out of hours.

"A match where we gamble time..." Leorio murmurs.

"We'll take turns deciding what to bet on." She explains, "If you end up with zero, your time limit will also shorten by fifty hours."

"And if you end up with zero hours?" Leorio wants to know.

"Our sentences will be extended by fifty years. If there terms are acceptable then I'll check on whether he is alive." She says.

"Man, this chick is wick." Leorio crosses his arms, "She's willing to risk extending her own sentence."

"Crazy risk I'd say..." Happy agrees.

"Consider your answer carefully, Leorio." Kurapika advises, "If you lose, we'll have fifty fewer hours, with which to escape the tower."

"Like I need advise from you...." Leorio doesn't wanna hear it, "If you had finished him off to begin with then we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"Fine! I won't say another word!" Kurapika turns from him and crosses his arms.

"I wouldn't want it any other way!" Leorio does the same.

"Guys, this isn't the time to be fighting." Wendy breaks them up while Killua just shrugs at them, not impressed.

Tonpa smirks at them fighting and Happy notices, What are you smirking about?"

"Ah, nothing." Tonpa turns around.

"Right!" Leorio points at her across the platform, "I accept the challenge!"

"Okay! I chose our first bet." She replied, "So you can decide on how many hours we'll wager on whether he's alive or dead."

"I bet ten hours that he's alive." Leorio bets.

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