Losing our minds

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3rd Person  pov

In a motel not too far from Crystal Lake a girl is heard crying. Covered in blood she shook in fear staring at the mutilated bodies around her. She tried to break free of the binds she was in when a man entered the room.

???: Oh boy I wouldn't recommend going in there anytime soon.  Those fucking toilets suck so bad I considered using the tub instead.

Girl: P-please just let me go a-already. I-I swear I-i'll w-won't tell the p-police anything.

The man cut her off with a loud groan he rubbed his face.

???: Oh my god why do women like you do nothing but bitch. It's always the same fucking bullshit.  It's always "Please let me go" or " Don't hurt them" and don't get me started on the dead boyfriend crap. You should be happy I let you live didn't I? Hell I left your little boyfriend's pretty face somewhat in one piece. I didn't have to do that shit so try being more  polite ya greedy bitch.

The man turned with a gun in hand as the room door opened. After seeing the man who entered he sighed then put away his gun.

???:: What the fuck took you so long?

??? 2: Cops were every where man fuck off. I made it back that's all that matters.

???:  Whatever let's just deal with this bitch and leave.

The girl began to cry  before the man yelled at her to shut her up. He went to pull out a knife when the other stopped him.

??? 2: Woah bro let me have her.

???: What are you smoking you had the last one jackass.

???2:  Bullshit you had the last one. Look how about we share this one?  You can be the Robin to my Batman.

???:*Laughs* Your Robin jackass, Batman is smarter like I am than you.

???2: Whatever let's just take care of this already.

The two men agreed before turning to the girl as she screamed.

Y/n pov

The girl  charged towards me attempting to crush me. I jumped out of her way quickly watching as she smashed a corpse that was beside me. She continued to bash it's skull until it splattered into paste. She turn back to me then I looked into her eyes. It was at that moment I saw it; she wasn't in control. It was like she was attacking out of instinct to those around here.

Y/n:(mind) Just what is she?! It's like she's a puppet with invisible strings.

The girl let out a chilling breath before she crawled towards me. Deciding not try and fight her I ran away. As I ran towards where I entered  the entrance suddenly vanished leaving only a wall behind. I cursed to myself before I saw the girl suddenly appear infront of me. She tried to grab my leg but I barely managed to slip out. As I fell to the ground she quickly jumped out top of me. Before she could crush me I grabbed two of her arms then tried to change. I tried to turn into a demon but; was unable to change.

Y/n(Mind) W-What's going on here? Why can't I change into my demon form!?

I looked into her pitch black eyes and watched while she added more force. Her cold glare filled me filled me with unease. Every second I stared was like falling deeper into the bottom of the sea. Within the darkness I was left in fear of the unknown things it held. What was the most terrifying part of it was she seemed almost devoid of a soul. I watched as she raised her other arms to attack when she suddenly screamed. I saw her jump back as  a furnace in the room spat fire. I saw a torch one the ground had been lite then jumped up to go grab it. The girl noticed me doing this then tried to stop me With only a second to spar I managed to grab the torch then swung it at her. The moment I did I was left speechless as her body surrounded in flames causing her to scream in agony.

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