Aella and Ella

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(Not my art. I just wanted to use it to describe what they look like. The one with the purple and yellow is Ella and the one with the blue is Aella. But instead of those outfits. Pretend that they are wearing dresses but with that color)

**4.27.21 Update**

**The story isn't finished but I just wanted to publish this as this was better than all my other stories that I currently have drafted. It's not meant to be read but I just wanted to publish to see my progress**

**7.27.21 Update**

Decided to re-publish this story because I have too many that are draft.
I made this book for Myself because I wanted to make a story of my own about characters that I made who lived in the world of the anime that I liked which was Attack on Titan.
I was 14 at the Time so💀

There are errors in like the first and second chapters and I'm too lazy to edit them.

Ps. This chapter was made somewhere in January.


My name is Aella. Aella Riverson and I live outside the walls with my mom, dad and identical twin sister, Ella. I'm 8 years old- turning 9 tomorrow along with sis but it's still not old enough. Not that I'm complaining or anything. I'm just happy that Im another year closer to reaching the double digits. Right now it's night time and mom and dad are sleep. Stella is reading a book so that just leaves me and my imagination. Change of subject- I always wondered what's inside those big walls. Mom did say that she used to live there but what made her change her mind to come live outside the walls where Titans are? I asked her that question but she didn't respond. I asked her a few more times before I stopped completely. But I was too young to understand why she didn't tell me. All she told me was that this was how she and dad first met. I didn't understand the full story but didn't pay too much attention to it. But anyways, she did tell me that grandma and grandpa lives there...somewhere in wall Sina. To be honest I thought there was no more than one big wall but turns out I was wrong. Now it just makes me wanna explore more. I'm done thinking for the night so I just tell my sis goodnight before going to sleep.
(Next day)

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I groaned when I accidentally looked towards the sun which forced me to shut my eyes and turn around, facing my pillow. I was gonna head back to sleep but then remembered that today was my birthday!....well not MY birthday but Ella and Mines. Same thing.

I hopped of the bed and shook Ella awake. "Sis!! Wake up!!" "Ugh hmm...?" She groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. "What?" She said. "It's our birthday today!!!" I said excitedly. Stella job off the bed in excitement. "REALLY!!?" she asked and I nodded. "YUP! now let's go to mom and dad!!" I said to her as we rushed to our parents room and jumped on their bed. "Mom! Dad! Wake up! Today's our birthday!!" Ella said as our parents slowly woken up. We got off their bed and waited for them to get up. Me and Stella ran to the bathroom first to get ready. (Brushed our teeth, bath, etc.). After that, mom did our hair.
Mines in a back ponytail with a white colored ribbon which is the same color as my dress and did Stella's hair in two pigtails with also white colored ribbons on each side of her hair. (Dress is same color.)

As we all finished getting dressed, we went to the kitchen to get ready for breakfast. Soon we got our breakfast and started to eat. (Just like the picture above).

"Honey, may I speak with you in the other room?" Mom asked dad. Dad nodded his head as they both went into another room to talk about something but I couldn't hear them so I started to chat with Ella instead.

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