Third Act Twist

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As the date of the train's return grew closer Grace threw all of her effort into preparing. Who knew how the train would appear, or in what form. In addition they'd need some sort of proof that it wasn't a normal train within the video though her and Simon had already done enough work on ensuring that would be fine. Most important to Grace however was what they would do after they had proof. This was a conversation she had with Simon one afternoon as they sat in the public library.

"Once we've proved the existence of the train, who do we report it to?" she asked casually and Simon gave his best answer.

"I don't know, the police?" he questioned and Grace gave him a long hard look while weighing the pros and cons of pushing him out of his chair for giving her such a ridiculous answer.

"Hi 911? I'd like to report a magic train that kidnaps people, don't worry I have a video that proves it." she mocked while doing her best impression of Simon so as to more effectively mock him.

"Well I don't know Grace, who do you suggest we call, the X-Files division of the FBI? The Men In Black?" he suggested teasingly something which was met with a chorus of shushing from the other patrons of the library. Grace smirked and shushed him as well despite talking at a similar volume.

"You've got to be quiet, this is a library, didn't anyone teach you any manners?" she said playfully and Simon rolled his eyes.

"And why are we in a library again?" he questioned as he shoved his nose into a book in order to avoid the judgmental gazes of the librarians.

"It's one of the three places that my driver will take me without reporting it back to my mother as suspicious." she explained. "Plus, it's a good place to research conspiracy theories and all that. All of the people here are middle aged moms so busy trying not to look suspicious checking out Fifty Shades of Grey that they don't notice that you've got thirty books about train theories on your desk." she said gesturing around the place.

"That still doesn't explain why you forced me to dress in my basic bitch clothes." he muttered and Grace gave her explanation for this as well.

"My driver is likely watching to make sure that I don't meet up with anyone my mother finds objectionable and you at your most Tim Burton-esque is objectionable to anyone with eyes; I can't risk anyone seeing you." she joked as she gave a purposefully over-dramatic response.

"You can't risk anyone seeing me? I can't risk anyone seeing me. I feel practically naked like this, how dare you make me go outside without my protective layer of e-boy clothing?" he questioned jokingly. Grace smiled.

"Leaning into it now are we?" she asked and he chuckled and nodded.

"Trying to, is it working?" he responded and she thought for a moment and began answering.

"Nah, you're trying too hard. And anyway you'll live it won't be long." she said as she skimmed through yet another book in the hope that someone would have documented the train before and could give insight on what to do about it. Simon took her hand and started begging.

"But Grace, the aesthetic, you don't understand how important it is for me to keep up the aesthetic." he complained while still holding her hand, something Grace ignored along with the bubbly feeling of excitement that came along with it.

"Actually I do, you were smoking a fake cigarette when we met remember?" she said, chuckling at the memory. "And anyway we all make sacrifices for our goals, I don't know if you've forgotten but I have to pretend to be dating you so we can pull this off." she explained. Simon scoffed at this.

"First of all, at least you still get to dress like Rainbow Brite while you do it. Second of all that's not that big of a sacrifice." he said and Grace looked at him up and down before returning to her book.

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