(4) Punishment before Consequences

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"Previously" On The Loud Of Suicide

"if Lori and Bobby Marry Eachother We are Only Gonna Be in-laws, I don't want to do the wrong thing, but again, i don't want to break your heart."

"Just Know that when you need anything, You have my phone number and you can contact me anytime"

"Tell Us What Happened With Ronnie Anne!!"

"Ronnie Anne and I will only be in-Laws and we can't marry each other."

"Lincoln Loud, Alright you have my word, My Mii and I will protect him."

"He said His name Is "Joshua.""

"Mii, I need you to Contact Pop-pop, and You two watch the sisters while Me, Lynn Sr, Rita, and Lily are Gone."

"Alrighty, My Advice, Start with Ronnie Anne Santiago She and Lincoln Hung out last week."

(Back to The Present) *Clap*

*Knock Knock*

Lori: Who Is It?

???: It's Pop-pop and Joshua's Mii, Answer the Door Now!

Sisters: Yes, Pop-pop.

*They Answer the door*

*Pop-Pop and Mii come in*

*The Sisters Overlap Talking*


*The Sisters Were Scared out of their Panties*

Mii: While We Are Here, You Are To Listen to Me And Your Grandfather, Until the Three Return! Am I Clear!?

Sisters: Yes Mr. mii...

Lynn Jr: Pff... You don't scare me.

*A Sword Stops One Inch from her Eye*

Lynn Jr: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! *Definitely Hyperventilating and Cowering behind the sofa* WH- WHAT!?? WAS THAT!?

Mii: That Was For You to Come to your senses, And Don't think i will forget the rest of you! One Mistake Out of you, and I Will Make You Dinner!

Lola: Mmmm!

Mii: I Mean Make You "THE" Dinner.


Pop-pop: Mii, Sorry but i think you are scaring them too much! Allow me!

Mii: Be My Guest, Sir.

*Pop-Pop Takes A Breath, Clears his throat and starts...*

Pop-Pop: LISTEN HERE!!! *The Volume Startled the Sisters* As Long As Joshua's Mii and I Are Here, You are to follow Our Rules and Not Disobey Us Until Your Parents And Lily Come Back! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?!

Sisters: Yes Sir...

Mii: Upstairs, Now.

Lori: Listen Here, Twerp, I don't know how old you are, But what gives you a right, To Stand By Our Grandpa and Boss Us, There Is Nine of us And Two Of You!!!

Mii: Funny You Should Say that, Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lana, Do you Four feel like you have been manipulated by your siblings long enough? I will give you some thought.

*30 Seconds Pass*

Leni: May I Begin?

Luna: As I?

Lucy: Me Too?

Lana: And Me?

Mii: You May.

"Let Go"

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