(12) A Favor With A Freak

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*2 Weeks Later, The House Has Been Quiet, A Little Too Quiet. You may be thinking "Why?" You maybe be thinking that Lori might not be talking to Bobby, or Luna being too loud in her room with her speakers, Lynn Jr Practicing Her Shots, Lana Creating Her Mud Pies*

*But the true reason is because Lisa has been sulking In her room, thinking about what she hasn't done to defend Lincoln in times when he needed her to help*

Lisa: I am a terrible sister...

*Lincoln Comes in the Door*

Lisa: Lincoln?

Lincoln: Can you do me a favor?

Lisa: No...

Lincoln: Why?

Lisa: Because everything that I do always makes things worse for you. I am giving up Science for you to live a better life.

Lincoln: Please Lisa, Don't do This... There is many things that you have helped us with.

Lisa: *Sigh* *Goes through her papers and sees a chart of Lincoln's Positivity For Lisa.*

*Lincoln was shocked that Lisa feels this way*

Lincoln: Lisa, Just because your problem solving techniques haven't helped me like it's helped the sisters. Doesn't mean that my positivity will go down all the time.

Lisa: I guess...

Lincoln: C'mon, I Need you to Do One thing.

Lisa: Ok...

Lincoln: I need you to Clone me 6 Times, I kind of started this love Octagon.

Lisa: So you need me to clone you 6 times, to prevent any broken hearts.

Lincoln: Exactly.

Lisa: Alright, I have Just what you need.  *Pulls the Tarp, Revealing A Watch device that allows you to clone yourself a number of times* Wear This.

*He did as she Said, And 6 More of Himself Came Out, He touched them and they were real just like him.*

Lincoln: Excellent here's what I need you to do now, program them to have feelings for the girls that I got the phone numbers from, But not Ronnie Anne.

Lisa: WHAT!? But W- Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh...... Ok, I get it. You already have Ronnie Anne as your girlfriend you don't want her to find out there's two or more of you.

Lincoln: Correct.

Lisa: Since you got six more of you should we also upgrade them to protect the world like you do?

Lincoln: That would be fine, yes.

Lisa: Btw... I'm sorry for not standing up for you all those times when you needed me, and I'm sorry if I was a part of Lynn throwing you outside... to tell the truth what I learned from that experience luck never solves anything. I'm truly sorry.

Lincoln: It's alright make sure you're not manipulated by her again.

*Lynn Jr Hears Everything from outside the door, Lincoln Senses Her and He Blasts her past the doorway down the stairs*

*Rita and Lynn Sr, Just shook their heads like they tried to Warn her, but she wouldn't listen.*

Lisa: How do you know she was at my door...

Lincoln: well I guess it pays to keep good upgrades... Try to take them from me and I will reject your apology.

Lisa: Deal. Alright, Lincoln Clone 1 Matched with Mrs. Dimartino. *The Clone gives A Salute* Lincoln Clone 2 matched with Stella. *The Clone gives a Salute* Lincoln clone 3 Matched with Cookie. *The Clone gives a salute* Lincoln clone 4 Matched with Paige. *The Clone gives a salute* Lincoln clone 5 Matched with Christina.... I take it you apologized to her?

Lincoln: I did.

Lisa: Well that's not bad news... Continuing... *The Clone gives a Salute* Finally, Lincoln clone 6, Matched with girl Jordan. *The Clone gives a Salute*

Lincoln: Alright, Clones... your job is to earn your girl's heart without being discovered by the other girls... change your appearances if you need to.

Clones: Yes Sir.

*5 Hours Later, the plan comes to success, Lincoln has rightfully earned their hearts, all at once.*

*Suddenly Lincoln entered his room and it was engulfed in flames*




*Among Us emergency meeting reference*

Lincoln: Somebody has lit my room on fire!

Lola: it wasn't me or Lana just letting you know wait we were just busy with our activities we had no idea about setting your room on fire it would never be us.

Lincoln: OK, thank you for stating your opinion, anyone else.

Leni: I don't like ratting people out because it's not right but I know when to do it... so it's *Lynn Jr smacks her mouth closed*

*That moment when Lynn Jr smacked Leni's mouth Lincoln looked suspicious, Lynn Jr let out a nervous laugh*

*Lincoln then only gave Lynn Jr a death stare, Lynn Junior gave him the same stare back, but then she felt like she couldn't move it's as if he's staring into her soul*

Lincoln: She did it, I just had to stare into her soul to see it. She lit my room on fire.

* Lynn Junior was pissed that he found out it was her so she turned on her enhancements, as he turned on his*

Lincoln: Everyone stand back this is going to get ugly.

*The others did as he said*

Lincoln: I'm about to make you wish you were never born.

*Lynn Jr Striked first, only to find out that Lincoln All 79 of her strikes, she was shocked*

Lincoln: My Turn. *Grabbed her hands and He Threw Out the Combo he has been waiting to Throw on Lynn Jr Forever... 80 Strikes he did not miss, leaving Lynn Junior dominated, pounded, and bruised on the floor* I hope she had enough...

*She struggled to get back up*

Lincoln: Oh yeah... I was wondering what would break first. *she tries to strike but Lincoln counter hits her in a place she didn't want him to hit, and then knocking her out by a Blow To The Head* your spirit, your hate for me, * Lynn Jr is being carried by Lincoln over his shoulders...* Or Your Body! *Throws Her Down And Knees her hard in the Back, He went up to Put out the flames, leaving her to die*

Rita: Lynn Jr, you are grounded, young lady.

Lynn Sr: You're in a heap of trouble...

Lucy: I will no longer want to room up with you ever again.

*Lynn Jr just lays there unconscious, Did he kill her?*

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