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"Crap, I am so late." Pacifica Northwest muttered as she ran down the street. "Crap, crap, crap."

In her haste to make up for lost time, she hadn't even bothered to eat breakfast. She just grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door. That's probably why people set their alarms.

Pacifica ran as fast as she could, barely dodging the people who were in her path. She could barely feel her feet connecting with the pavement. 

"OOMPH." Pacifica ran into one unfortunate bystander. She quickly got up, brushed herself and took off. 

"Hey, what the hell?!" The guy called after her. 

"Sorry!" She called back to the guy. She kept running until she finally saw the school.

* * *

"Yo, Dipper, you ok man? Your nose is bleeding and you got coffee all over you." Leo handed Dipper some paper towels as Dipper passed him and plopped down on the chair next to him. "What happened?"

"Some crazy girl was running around the town. She bumped into me and took off like nothing happened." Dipper muttered while trying to get the coffee off of his shirt. He sighed. "It's no use. The coffee isn't coming out." He took another paper towel, ripped a piece of it off, rolled the piece and stuffed it in his bleeding nose.

"Alright, settle down. Settle down." Their teacher called from the front of the classroom. "As you all know, we have a new student arriving today. Now, I expect you all to be nice and give her a warm welcome to the school. Having said that, there are a few things that..."

Dipper wasn't paying much attention at this point. He was focused on his little drawing of a gnome, trying to get as many details as possible.  

Leo suddenly poked Dipper on his side. Dipper looked up to see that the class as looking expectantly at him. 

"Would it be ok if you showed the new student around the school?" the teacher repeated patiently. "I'd ask someone else, but the student council president insisted that I get you to do it."

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'll - I'll do it." Dipper answered absent-mindedly. Ever since Mabel got elected president, she's been getting Dipper to do a lot of things around the school. How she managed to convince students to elect her, Dipper never found out.

Suddenly, the door to the classroom slammed open, revealing a very out-of-breath blonde girl.

~ ~ ~

I get the feeling that you already know where this is going. If you do, great. I hope you don't leave because if the predictability (is that a word?). If you don't, well... you'll get it in about 10 seconds. At least I hope you do. Anyway, enough chit-chat. Get on with the next chapter. 

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