Chapter 15: A Lot of Weird

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Pacifica wished she hadn't stayed up all night.

Sure, it was pretty funny seeing all the dorky stuff in Dipper's room, but now she wasn't too sure if it was worth it. Except maybe that one photo where the twins shaved their heads. That one lives rent-free in her mind and in her phone.

The weirdest part? She had slept better on Dipper's rickety bed than on any other bed she'd slept on, which was saying a lot since she's had her fair share of luxurious beds and hotel rooms. She slept so well on that bed she was almost upset when Mabel woke her up for breakfast. Almost.

After telling Mabel she'll be down after a quick shower, Pacifica stumbled along into the bathroom, still half-asleep with her eyes half-closed. She emerged from the bathroom minutes later, now fully awake, after she forgot to turn on the water heater, resulting in an unexpected cold shower.

As she made her way back to Dipper's room, she realized she had forgotten to leave her clothes out last night, since she was too preoccupied with exploring Dipper's room. Seriously, she was regretting that decision more and more with each passing minute.

She let out a frustrated sigh and sat down at the edge of the bed, considering her options. Her gaze landed on Dipper closet and an idea made its way into her brain. Under regular circumstances, Pacifica wouldn't entertain the idea since she would smell like Dipper. But in between sleeping in his bed and using the same soap he used, his scent already clung to her. Besides, wearing his shirt definitely beats wearing dirty clothes or going to school in her underwear.

With that in mind, she steeled her nerves and flicked through Dipper's clothes, trying to pick out the least dorky shirt he had, which proved to be more difficult than it should've been. Eventually, she just gave up and settled with a plain green shirt that at least didn't have a weird pattern or book quotes on it.

Pacifica studied her reflection on the mirror. A baggy shirt coupled with a pair of denim shorts? Not really her go-to outfit but it works. She was obviously not having her best morning but she supposed it could be worse. She could be stuck with her mom or something. Plus, for some reason, she actually didn't mind how the shirt smells like Dipper. Weird.

She made her way down the stairs, only realizing that she probably should've asked Dipper first when he nearly spit out his coffee at the sight of her. His face beet red, he stammered something about having to go to school extra early before grabbing his bag and walking out the front door.

Pacifica turned to Mabel, who was biting her fist in an effort not to laugh at her brother's awkwardness.

"Why does he have to go extra early?" Pacifica asked.

Mabel shrugged. "Some kind of emergency tutoring with Chloe for a math test. She texted him last night while we were talking about-" Mabel caught herself before she could say more. Dipper made her promise not to tell anyone about his crush, even though it was already pretty obvious for everyone. "Uh, never mind."

"Oh... with Chloe." Pacifica repeated. She suddenly felt very irritated at the thought, which doesn't make sense since she didn't care about how well they get along. Okay, maybe she did care just a little bit. She may be a fake girlfriend, but she's still technically his girlfriend. She's allowed to get jealous... probably.


Pacifica snapped out of her thoughts when a really bright light nearly blinded her. She yelped in surprise, rubbing her eyes.

"Oops, forgot to turn off the flash." Mabel muttered.

Pacifica blinked out the dark spots in her vision. "What was that for?!"

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