.30 you and me, coffee girl (courtney)

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"If you want to get to her, you're going to have to get through me."

The voice resonated throughout the crowd. Courtney nearly hadn't recognized its feminine, stern tone. From the crowd, a flash of brunette and red curls cascaded around the petite woman's face. Clad in a multi-colored, tailored suit, Sarah stood determined and firm. Fearlessly, she marched towards the trio.

"Who the hell are you?" David sneered, not lowering his gun.

"Your worst nightmare," Sarah's eyes narrowed. Her icy blue irises pierced his gaze. "Shayne, I think we can take it from here."

Beside her, the tension from Shayne's body softened ever-so-slightly. Cerulean eyes stared at David unwaveringly. "Be my guest," he frowned.

"Kevin, would you do the honors?" Sarah asked politely.

Behind her, a tall, broad-shouldered man appeared with a well-muscled team behind him. His deep brown eyes narrowed to sharp slits while his sharp jaw tensed. His navy blue uniform sat crisply against his form, a silver badge glinting under the spotlights of the red carpet. His crew of other officers wore the same uniform, hands hovering above their weaponry.

Kevin's deep baritone voice sliced the air. "David Westfield, you are under arrest for the repeated pursuit and harassment of a citizen and the unlawful possession of a fire arm. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law."

A chill rippled through the air, causing the hair on Courtney's arms to raise. If her adrenaline didn't cause her to remain frozen and petrified, she might have noticed Shayne inch closer to her. But instead, she was too distracted by the scene in front of her. The lights nearly blinded her. Her heart pounded thudded deeply in her chest. Endless knots tensed in her stomach while the ghost of her voice failed her once again.

Here she was, ready to die after knowing the love of a lifetime. And out of nowhere, Sarah reappeared with what looked like a small cavalry of security guards and policemen. The reporters clamored to get a subtle photo or video, while other celebrities on the carpet had taken cover. Did she miss something? What the hell was happening?

David cocked his weapon, unaffected by the police stance. His eyes leered across the landscape to survey his surroundings. After a moment, he fixated back onto Courtney. A rigid stance remained as he spat his response.


"You can stop this-" Courtney pleaded helplessly. Her feeble attempt to reign his attention quickly cut short.

"I may not be a cop, but I have plenty of friends who are," Sarah's words were laced with venom. Her eyes glinted with fire.

"You're surrounded. There's no way out, David," Shayne added.

Their words fleeting through the night like wisps of air. David's deep, chocolate eyes mere narrowed against words of warning. His gun remained raised with the barrel directly facing Courtney's heart.

The onyx color of the weapon shone with an eery brilliance against the dozens of spotlights. With a shift and click, the gun was cocked into position. The sound of the gun moving into position nearly stopped her heart.

And just as before, she was ready to say goodbye. Whatever scheme Shayne and Sarah pulled, whatever higher plan they had in place - it backfired. David wouldn't stop when he wanted something desperately - that was an understated fact. But, with all things considered, Courtney was okay with her outcome. She had dear friends that supported her. She lived out a dying dream in directing films. And she found a love like no other.

Shayne saw her as something more. In his eyes, she wasn't weak, or pathetic, or whatever insecure adjective she could use to describe herself. He saw her as a woman. A dreamer. A lover. Somehow, through all of their trials and tribulations, Shayne managed to shed light on the best parts of her. Creativity, pride and confidence found soaring new heights because of his faith in her. She would miss him most of all.

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