Chapter 19

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I'm so happy right now.  Why, you may ask?  WHY NOT?!?  It's Christmas time!  And yah, I don't celebrate Christmas, but I still give and get gifts.  :P  So...yah.  And Louis' bday is on Christmas Eve.  And I love Louis.  And One Direction...but if you haven't been able to tell that I loves em yet, you're pretty slow...hehe ^.^ So...this chapter is dedicated to noobok cuz she makes my day everyday AND wrote half the story.  :)  So...if I don't update during winter break, have a happy New Years!  And a Merry Christmas!  And a Happy Hannukah!  And a...whatever else you celebrate! :P

Chapter 19:

          “Hey Avery! Clean up the floors in the kitchen, they’re getting pretty nasty again!”

          I groaned and dragged myself over to the kitchen. It was my second day working at Nandos, and it wasn’t a thing like I had expected it to be like. I guess I was hoping to be a waiter right from the start, but it wasn’t until I got hired that I realized that I would have to be promoted to that. For now, I was just the janitor. I thought at least Levi would be working here with me, but he got the next shift in the afternoon. I was working here from 8 am till noon. At least I made ten pounds an hour. I wasn’t sure how much that was in American money, I just hoped it was a good amount and I wasn’t being ripped off. The worst part was, I hadn’t even seen anyone from One Direction yet.

          “I just cleaned this table like ten minutes ago,” I moaned half an hour later.

          “Avery, people come and go. You always have to keep cleaning the tables,” one of the works who seemed pretty nice and friendly said. I think her name was Liz or something. “And you only have ten minutes of your shift left anyways.” I glanced at the clock and saw that she was indeed correct.

          “YES!!!” I said, jumping around excitedly.

          “Congratulations. You just finished your second day at work,” Liz said, grinning.

          “Not yet. She still has ten more minutes,” one of the other workers grunted, roughly brushing past me. I glared at his back. For some reason we had instantly hated each other as soon as we had met. I didn't even know what his name was, but I hated him. And not like I had hated Levi at the beginning. I hated this guy so much I was tempted to take a knife from the kitchen and stab him to death. Just then someone grabbed me from behind and I turned around, ready to unleash my ninja skills on them.

          “Relax kitten, it’s just me,” Levi said, chuckling. His shift started right after mine ended, so I guess he decided to come here early.

          “Wanna help me clean this last table?” I asked him eagerly.

          “No, I already have four hours ahead of me to do that myself,” he said, smirking. “You might wanna go ahead and get that done, Dakota is waiting outside to take you back to the apartment.” Before I could protest, he quickly pecked me on the lips and ran off, leaving me dazed.

          “You sure got lucky, didn’t you, kitten’?” Liz said, smirking at the name he had given me. “He sure is something...”

          “And he’s taken,” I replied quickly, then laughed at my own overprotectiveness of him. I turned towards the table to clean it then froze in my thoughts. I stared at the figure with his back turned to me, wearing a striped blue and white shirt with red jeans. It couldn’t be. Without thinking, I ran towards him. “Louis?!” I squealed in excitement.

          He turned and I immediately frowned. It was just a man who had decided to be so cruel as to trick girls with Louis’ outfit. Or he had the same odd taste as him. I decided to go with the first option and shot him daggers with my eyes. I should have been able to tell that they weren’t skinny jeans. That would have been a major sign that it wasn’t really him. The man gave me a weird look and Liz came over immediately.

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