Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

            I woke up when Levi nudged me awake.

            “What?” I asked groggily, lifting my head off of his shoulder.

            “Lunch time,” he said, opening a little tray in front of me.

            “How long was I asleep?” I asked as Levi placed a plate of food onto the tray that he had opened in front of me.

            “Three hours,” Levi said, opening the little packages on my food plate for me. I glanced over the food and wrinkled my nose.

            “I don't like any of this food,” I whined.

            “Too bad. Thats all they have.” Levi said, starting to eat his own food. I sighed and unwrapped the spoon and fork. I poked at the blob of white stuff that looked like rice with my spoon. It didn't look very appetizing. I picked up a tiny package and opened it.

            “Chocolate!” I exclaimed happily, popping it into my mouth. Levi was too busy eating to say anything. I picked up my fork and poked Levi in the arm.

            “What?” he asked, pausing his eating to look at me.

            “Can I have your chocolate?” I asked.

            “No,” he said then continued eating.

            “But Levi,” I whined. He sighed and tossed it to me.

            “Fine. Here.”  I caught it and quickly popped it into my mouth before he could change his mind. He finally finished his food and sat back contentedly.

            “You're not eating?” he asked, looking over at my plate that I hadn't touched.

            “No, I'm not hungry,” I said. Levi waved a flight attendant over and she took our plates.

            “You want to go back to sleep?” Levi asked.

            “I'm not tired anymore,” I said. Actually, I was more awake than ever. I looked out the window but all I could see was white. It was pretty boring. After a few minutes, I turned back to Levi.

            “So, what's your favorite color?” I asked.

            “Green, why?” Levi answered.

            “Just like Niall! Mine’s yellow,” I said, ignoring his question.  “What's your favorite food?”

            “Um...I like all food equally,” Levi said after a few seconds.

            “Just like Niall!” I exclaimed again.

            “Can you stop with the One Direction references for like, five hours? I just want to enjoy being alone with you while I can,” Levi said.

            “Okay,” I said after a brief hesitation.

            “Good. So, what's your favorite food?” Levi asked.

            “Everything except vegetables,” I said.

            “You're such a kid,” Levi said, rolling his eyes.

            “Whatever. What's your favorite animal?” I asked.

            “Puppies. Yours?” Levi asked, looking like he was enjoying himself.

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