My name is Ryan Mercer. They call me a killer, a monster, a terrorist. I'm all of these things. 10 years ago, they took me and turned me into what I am today. Now I hunt; I kill; I consume; I become. I am what I was made to be, what I chose to be. T...
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Shapeshifting: Ryan is able to shapeshift into beings he has consumed, thus taking on their form and memories. His Blacklight infection also grants him the ability to fashion his body into a massive arsenal of weaponry.
Superhuman Strength: Ryan is far stronger than most beings, able to lift cars, tanks, trucks, and helicopters and throw them with ease. He is capable of punching through just about anything, including steel, with his bare hands.
Superhuman Speed: Ryan is able to achieve speeds of up to 150 miles an hour (without musclemass), easily allowing him to surpass most vehicles, including helicopters.
Superhuman Agility: Ryan can perform astonishing feats of parkour and is easily capable of jumping nearly ten stories in the air. Ryan is also capable of gliding and running on walls.
Superhuman Endurance: Ryan is capable of surviving falls from any height relatively undamaged. Bullets of any caliber will pass through his body, causing very little damage that heals over instantly. He can withstand direct hits from tank shells, rockets, and missiles.
Superhuman Stamina: Ryan's enhanced stamina allows him to be physically active at all times, and while he can sleep, he does not require it.
Superhuman Intelligence: Upon consuming the biomass of an intelligent being, Ryan's own knowledge increases as he will know all that the person he consumed knows.
Superhuman Senses: Ryan's vision and hearing are enhanced, allowing him to see beyond the visible spectrum and hear across great distances even with physical insulation. His thermal vison allows him to locate heat signatures, and his infected vision is able to detect non-human entities. He also possesses 360-degree vision.
Healing factor: Ryan's body has vast powers of self-regeneration. As long as he is properly nourished, Ryan can restore his health and wounds within moments, even re-growing limbs if needed. He can heal small amounts without consuming creatures, like bullet wounds. He is capable of regenerating his entire physical from non-descript piles of biomass or by coming into contact with a living thing. He also has a near-impenetrable immune system.