hey minna!!!
come on! we got dares!!!
everyone: *enthusiastically* haii...
meh: huh? whats with the depression in the air?
everyone: *quickly* NOTHING!
meh: huh? oh well! we have 6 dares today!
shu: well then, lets start!
meh: alright! all the dares are from nutan78 the first dare is that lui must be a good boy for 24 hours, which he is already doin. so lui~ u got 24 hours added for ur dare!
meh: hehehe
meh: ok, the second dare is that oue shoe here, has to be a badboi for 24 hours!
*me, secretly dreaming yaoi fantacies of shalt, shui and freeshu*
shu: *seducively* ok then, lets go?
meh: kyaaaaaaaaaaa *faints*
shu: did i overdo it?
everyone (except ze cinnamon rols): YES!
kit: well then, i'll read the next dare. OOOHHH , looks like everyone except lui, shu, and reader turn into aliens for this chapter, and author chan is a fairy!
everyone: cool! *transform*
meh: *now revived* the next dare, is for daigo and delta to wear rainbow coloured clothes for 3 chapters!
daigo and delta: *sulking in a corner*
meh: oh and valttttt~
valt: why do i have a bad feeling about this?
meh: *super excitedly* hehehe u have to turn into a girl for the next 5 chapters!
valt: whattttt?
meh: *snaps fingers *
meh, shu: *intense nose bleed* kyaaaaaaaa
meh: alright minna! thats all for today!
everyone: janne!