Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Getting to the second casino was easy enough because Michael knew exactly where it was and led me there in silence. A few left turns, a few right, and we were in front of the Pulchritudo. In the lobby, he asked the attendant sitting behind the desk if the bartending job for the woman was still open, nodding to me, and the attendant's eyes swept me before grabbing a phone, dialing, and softly talking to someone on the other end.

"May I have your name?"

"Persephone Flemming."

He repeated it into the phone. "And what sector do you live in?"


"Yeah, the bartending position is still open. The boss wants to see her and ask a few questions. Go up to the 23rd floor and he'll meet you at the bar." He pointed to the elevator and we did as we were told.

"Nervous about this, Seph?"

"Not so much, no, though I've never had an actual job in my life. I think the champagne and bourbon helped me out with that."

The floor we ended up on was a blackjack floor, this casino's layout similar to the one before, yet themed differently. The party had been held in a very modern casino, yet this one was historical: Grecian marble sculptures, Roman columns and mosaics, and Renaissance-like paintings and vast frescos spanning entire floors. I spotted the bar and Michael followed me. A very sleek and thin man, dressed in a suit and looking of Asian descent, was standing behind the bar but wasn't getting anyone drinks. He saw me come closer and asked, "Are you Persephone Flemming?"

"Yes, I am. Are you the boss?"

"Indeed, I'm Mr. Zakari." He paused to sweep his eyes over my body and grin appreciatively. "My, you're dressed up."

"My friend and I were at a party prior to this." I patted Michael's shoulder. "He's the one who told me about the opening."

"Right, so, why do you want this job?"

"I think it'd be fun."

"Do you have any bartending experience?"

"Uh..." I faltered.

"She's a natural at it. I've had some of her mixed drinks and they're good." Michael stepped in.

The truth was the best approach. "Honestly, I haven't had any real bartending experience but if training is provided, I'm sure I wouldn't disappoint you."

"I see, but why don't you find an opening in your own sector?"

I glanced at Michael. "Is that a thing? Am I not supposed to look for jobs in different sectors?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"I'm assuming you're fairly new here, then." Mr. Zakari deadpanned. "Usually, only the older souls look for employment."

"Yes, but being placed in Sector Pride was only one of my choices, another was this sector." I offered, hoping that would persuade him.

"Oh," His eyes lit up. "You're that Persephone?"

"Yes, I am."

"And the last sector you could have chosen was..."


"Interesting." He mused and seemed to ponder over ideas. "But I've also heard you have a problem with authority."

One glance at Michael revealed he was doing everything in his power to keep from bursting out into obnoxious laughter. I shot him a look to keep him silent.

"I wouldn't say that. I just think respect should be reciprocated from both parties and if it isn't, that's a problem in itself."

Mr. Zakari nodded and seemed thoughtful. "Would you be willing to work on nights of the welcoming party? Very few people are. It's usually slow until very late when the welcoming party is over and people want to continue their fun."

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