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Sabre's point of view
I waited for Lucas to finish the machine. Again. I wanted to help him, but he wouldn't let me. I kept putting a hand to where my necklace should be.

I need the necklace back.

I shake my head and try to relax. With Lucas's help, everything should work out, right? I can get this sickness out of me hopefully.

I looked up at the sky to see it was getting late, the sun would set soon. I hope the others aren't too worried about me.

I felt my head start to pound and I sit down a little quicker. I need this sickness out of me. I need to check on my code too, but I just can't do that right now.

"Sabre? Are you okay?" I look to the sound and see Lucas with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah. Just a headache..." I say and try to stand back up. Lucas goes over to me and checks on me. He puts a hand to my forehead.

"You're running a fever again. You really shouldn't be up and around."

"I know, but the only way I will get better is if Plague Steve's powers get out of me." Lucas sighs and helped me get up.

"This better work then."

"You're the one who built the machine, not me," I say and push Lucas away.

"Okay let's see then." I follow him outside to see the machine. It wasn't well built by the looks of it.

"How long has it been since you built a machine?" I ask. I go over to the machine and start to fix it up a bit.

"Since I went back home my world."

"So years ago?" I start fixing the red-stone wiring.

"Yeah..." He admits and I laugh a little.

"You left to see family right?" I ask him. Mainly to catch up from the years we haven't talked.

"Yeah... sort of."

"Sort of?" Curiosity was starting to get the best of me. I tested the pistons to make sure they would lock me in.

"I found out that my dad isn't my dad. My mom was with someone else, but since she's passed I can't ask her who it was." Lucas told me his mom died when he was young so this wasn't new news for me.

"Maybe after all of this, I'll help you find you're real dad," I say smiling. The machine was done now.

"Promise?" Lucas asked me.

"Promise." Lucas smiles and I smile back.

"Okay let's see if the machine works," Lucas says. I get into the machine and I wait for him.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Ready," I reply and take a deep breath. Lucas turns on the machine and I feel like I can't move. Thunder rings in my ears and my vision goes black.

I'm not in a void like last time. I think my eyes were just closed. Since everything felt the same way it did before I got locked into the machine.

"Okay, now I need to turn in the second part of the machine." I heard Lucas say. I also hear his footsteps slowly go away from me. Probably where the second lever is.

I braced myself knowing this will probably hurt. I waited for Lucas to turn in the second part of the machine.

"Three... Two... One... Go!" Lucas said as a countdown. Thunder rings in my ears again.

I bite my lip hard as I tried not to scream. I expected pain, but not this much pain. It felt like my body was slowly being torn apart. I squeezed my hand into a fist and waited for this to be over.

After what felt like a few minutes probably a few seconds the pain stopped and so did the lighting. The machine didn't turn off though.

I heard a chest open. The chest that should hold Plague Steve's powers if it worked in it. I heard Lucas sighs in disappointment.

"It didn't work..." Lucas mumbles. I heard him walk over and turn off the machine.

I felt the pistons' pressure on me disappear. I open my eyes to see Lucas in front of me.

"It didn't work. I heard from you." I said before Lucas could tell me what I already heard.

"I'm sorry Sabre. I thought this would work."

"It's okay. I guess the machine just wasn't strong enough-" I had to cut myself off to bite my lip again and squeeze my risk. More of my code broke inside me.

"Sabre?" Lucas said panicked.

"I'm okay don't worry..." I look down so I don't have to look him in the eyes. He noticed that I was down and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's find you're necklace before it gets dark," Lucas tells me. I smile a little and nod. I guess we will figure this out later.

Overseer's point of view
I sigh. It was getting late and no one was back from the forest. Sabre, Time and Illusion are gone. It's close to sunset and they still haven't returned.

I'm worried, but at the same time, I'm not. It's like a side of me doesn't care anymore. I shake my head and try to ignore the feeling. I need to focus on finding- working on the town more.

There is a lot that needs to get done. Especially since we are still recovering from the sickness. I scratch my arms something again. It's been itchy all day and I have no idea why.

I look around my house and pick up an old book. I should make a library here. It will make a lot of Steve happy. Especially the other blue Steves like me.

I can't even think straight today... maybe I should just head to bed early. I sigh and go to my room to lay down. Then I heard Lighting strike outside.

I quickly go outside to see who it is. Please let it be Time and Illusion. I open the front door and see... who is that?

"Are you the Overseer?" They said to me. They wore are large black cloak.

"Yes. Who are you?" I ask my Guard up.

"I am the Guardian of the spirit world. You can call me Guardian." He walks up to me, but doesn't get to close.

"Nice to meet you?" I asked very confusedly why someone of the spirit world is here. Talking to me.

"Nice to meet you too. I heard great things about you from Sabre." He says and reaches his hand out to me. I take his hand and shake it.

"That makes a little bit more sense. Are you looking for him?" I ask.

"Yes I am, I have something I need to talk to him about, have you seen him?" He looks around slightly. Don't know how he can see with the hood over his eyes, but then again Sabre can see with his blindfold on.

"No, he has been gone for a while now," I say honestly.

"That is alright." He seemed like he was concerned about that though. I scratch my arm a little.

"What did you need to talk to him about? If I see him I can tell him."

"I can not. I have to speak to him about this privately." That's weird, but I won't question it.

"I will tell you when I see him." He nods at me and smiles at him.

"Alright. If you need anything just call my name and I'll come over."

"Okay. Nice to meet you." I say not exactly sure what's going on or why I feel slightly awkward with this.

"Nice to meet you to Overseer." He looks up then teleports away. I sigh with relief. I look up at the sun to see it was only now setting. I hope that Sabre comes back soon.
(Words 1317)

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