o p e r a t i o n s i x

852 76 28

Taehyun groaned and laid his head on the table before standing up, a sweet, sickly smile decorating his features. "Come on Choi, let's welcome the welcoming party," he sang, setting off towards the door. Beomgyu was left murmuring curses as he stood to race after his "boyfriend". Getting to the door, they both sighed before widening their smiles, Beomgyu's arm snaking around the younger's waist. "Do you have your gun," Taehyun whispered, shooting a cautious glance towards the older who just nodded, his other hand moving behind his back to show it was tucked into his waistband. "Okay." Sighing one more time, Taehyun flung the door open, surprising the older couple that stood outside their door.

The two turned towards them and smiled, Taehyun and Beomgyu immediately smiling back. "Hi, cuties," the woman cooed gently, her voice soothing, "we just saw that you two moved in and wanted to be the first to welcome you!" She reached out, handing Taehyun a small, rounded container that emanated a beautiful smell.

The lady was shorter, her grayed hair held up in a loose bun, some loose strands falling into her face. She had warm blue eyes and etched lines around her eyes and mouth depicted years full of laughter and smiles. She wore a simple blue cardigan, bringing out her eyes, and a pair of white jeans, completed with a pair of comfy-looking running shoes. Beside and slightly behind her stood an equally short man, his head still mopped with white hairs, and his wrinkles matching that of the women's perfectly. He smiled with a few teeth missing and he also wore a blue shirt, topping a pair of khakis and a pair of loafers. His shoulders were hunched and in his hand, he clutched a walking stick. They seemed so old and yet the couple radiated such a young and lively presence that, for a moment, the two boys didn't have to fake their expressions.

The younger of the two agents smiled and leaned back into Beomgyu comfortably, his eyes forming into small crescents. "Thank you, ma'am, it smells absolutely wonderful!" he complimented, taking it and raising the pie to the older's nose to allow him to smell it.

"Thank you!" She responded enthusiastically, clapping her hands together like a little kid. "So I see you two just moved in, obviously, but from where?"

"Oh," Taehyun giggled, moving his hand to clasp Beomgyu's gently, "I'm actually from America, but I came here for college. Beomie, here, is a local and has lived in Seoul for most of his life. We met at the university, so ever since then we've dated and recently decided to move in together!" He ranted giddily. Beomgyu couldn't help but inwardly gawk at the younger's acting. He sounded so genuinely excited and he hit the mark of a newly moved in partner beautifully. Not only that, he was acting extremely comfortable around the older, initiating every piece of physical touch they had, which was a complete change from a few moments ago.

"Well isn't that adorable," the lady at the door giggled, snapping Beomgyu out of his thoughts. "I'm happy for you two!"

"Thank you, ma'am," Beomgyu chuckled, letting his first few words escape his lips. He tightened his grip on Taehyun's waist and glanced down at him as lovingly as he could. "We are too."

The lady sighed and clasped her hands together, throwing her own glance at her partner with heart-shaped eyes. "That's wonderful~ Well, we have to get going. We have a cooking class in a little while that we have to get going to, but I'm Harin and my husband is Jiho. If you ever need anything, we're just right down the road."

"Of course!" Taehyun called to the couple, "And thank you so much for the pie!" The two waved back and The agents slowly closed the door, shutting them off from the outside view. Immediately Beomgyu dropped his hand and he stepped back as he stared at the red-head. "What?" Taehyun murmured, taking the pie to the kitchen and placing it in the fridge.

"Why the fuck are you so good at acting?" Beomgyu murmured, following the younger.

"Practice dipshit. It is my job after all," the younger responded before sitting back at his spot in the kitchen.

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