o p e r a t i o n e l e v e n

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"How am I going to look at him in the face?"

"It was not that bad Kang, calm down."

"I was straddling your hips in a car at midnight!"

"To be fair, it makes sense. I mean we are dating...and living together... and shit."

Taehyun shot the nonchalant agent a glare from across the kitchen. "You're only relaxed because it wasn't you who was doing the straddling." Beomgyu glanced up, his hair lifting slightly before falling back to his forehead, and smirked, cocking his head slightly to the left.

"What can I say, I'm completely comfortable being the man in this relationship."

Taehyun's forehead knitted together and it took only a few seconds for him to flip his partner off with a newfound ferocity. Of course, Beomgyu just laughed and turned back to his job at the sink, slowly going over every freshly washed dish with a dry rag.

Taehyun huffed and returned to folding the blanket in his hands, gently tossing it onto the couch so it fell in a comfortable yet neat cascade across the back of plush cushions. "Remember what we have to do while they're here, right?" He murmured, voice immediately sobered to a tone newly associated with work.

A sigh floated to his ears from his partner's place by the kitchen cabinets. "Yes, I'm aware. Get to know them and draw out information. Keep work in mind. Get comfy." He twisted around, placing the last plate effortlessly in its rightful place, and swung the rag over to rest on his shoulder. "I'm not a newbie Kang. I've been doing this for as long as you."

"I was just checking."

"I know... but I am fully capable."

"Yes, I'm fully aware, Choi."

Beomgyu nodded and took a moment to toss the rag into the laundry room before joining Taehyun on the couch as they waited for their company to arrive.

"I am excited to meet their boyfriends though," Taehyun chuckled, folding his arms over his chest and leaning back into the spine of the couch, eyes resting upon the ceiling in bored contemplation.

"Me too, actually. They seem sweet," Beomgyu responded with a nod, eyes flickering to the entrance hall. The two agents sat in a comfortable state of anticipation. They had talked to Namjoon and Yoongi earlier, learning that nothing new had surfaced and to keep digging. There hadn't been another murder or victim yet but they knew the longer they came up with nothing, the more people would die. It had only been a few days but Beomgyu and Taehyun couldn't help but feel if the investigation drew on any longer, whatever happened to those victims was on them. Although their directors constantly told them otherwise; that the deaths were only the fault of the murderers and the participants themselves and yet, the two felt an immense amount of pressure and fault to each name added to the whiteboard. Taehyun once said it came with the job and, even if Beomgyu agreed, it never made them any more comfortable with the situation they were placed in. There's a wild difference between stopping an operation that spreads drugs and ending an operation that murders weekly.

The shrill ring of the doorbell was what shocked Beomgyu and Taehyun out of their heads, their bodies already moving into the natural position of being too close for comfort and nonexistent personal space. Their feet carried them to the door and the two took a second to breathe in and out twice before opening the door to four smiling faces and eight eyes glimmering in excitement.


"So," Taehyun began after they had welcomed the four boys into the house and gotten each a glass of water, "I'm assuming you two are the Felix and Seungmin we hear so much about."

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