o p e r a t i o n f o u r t e e n

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Taehyun was sitting in the living room, computer in his lap, when Beomgyu walked through the front door, drenched in a thin layer of sweat, and dropped an empty black duffle bag to the floor with a light thud.

The sun had yet to completely emerge from the horizon and tones and shades of red and pink began to decorate the sky ever so faintly. The blonde had a single lamp lit beside him, all other parts of the house dark, blinds half-drawn, the only other light coming from his half-dimmed computer screen.

"How'd it go?" He yawned, stretching his arms above his head, the small thought that his sweatshirt had shrunk due to the sleeves catching below his wrists scurrying across his mind before running off, far and out of sight. The agent was curled into the couch, a blanket draped across his lap. He had a bowl of popcorn sitting beside him, half-finished, and a lukewarm cup of coffee sitting in front of him. The dark circles around his eyes were a clear sign to anyone that he had gotten little to zero sleep in the past day and his disheveled hair only added to that obvious observation.

Beomgyu sighed and shut the door behind him, flicking off his shoes before stumbling into the kitchen to grab water from the fridge along with the rest of the luke-warm coffee that still sat stagnant in the pot. "It was as fine as it could be with me being up at the ass-crack of dawn. Did all the signals connect?"

Taehyun glanced back to his screen one last time to confirm something he had been constantly confirming all night. "Yes, all are visible."

"Good," Beomgyu groaned, "Putting trackers on all of our neighbor's cars in the middle of the night is a lot more exhausting than I thought."

"You got it done in time though."

"Of course I did," he murmured, the faintest hint of a smirk crossing his mouth, "did you ever doubt me?"

Taehyun tipped his head to the side and gave his partner a once-over. "Obviously."

Beomgyu rolled his eyes, a small smile lifting the corners of his lips, before chugging the rest of his coffee and water. "Alright," he murmured before slumping towards their shared room, "I'm taking a shower."

Taehyun hummed in response, eyes now glued to the screen, waiting for the little red dots on the small map of their neighborhood to begin to move. "Let's see," Taehyun whispered to the silence, "Which one of you bastards is hiding something."

Minutes later, the blonde agent was so focused on the un-moving, blinking dots that he didn't realize that Beomgyu had stepped back into the kitchen, fresh out of the shower with his hair still damp and a towel draped across his shoulders. Silently, the ebony-haired boy worked, putting on another pot of coffee along with frying a few eggs over the oven, this time slightly more cautious of the flip.

By the time he approached Taehyun with a fresh batch of warm eggs, fruit, and coffee, the blonde had his blanket draped over his head and bundled around him, whether to protect him from the chill in the air or the rapidly growing light, Beomgyu couldn't guess. Gently, the agent slid the blanket down from the top of his partner's head and handed him the plate and mug wordlessly.

Taehyun accepted the food and drink with a nod, giving a quick glance in Beomgyu's direction before diverting his attention back to the dim computer screen. It wasn't until the other agent finished washing the dishes and placing all the utensils used back in their place that he spoke.

"You know you're going to kill your eyes at this rate."

At that moment He expected a  snappy and most likely sarcastic response from his partner, and yet instead he watched as the blonde just sighed and shot him a second's glare. "I'm used to it," he murmured, blowing on the now fresh and warm cup of coffee in his hands.

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