Chapter 1

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*photo above not mine
   The early sunrise of Coruscant creeps through the blinds. The never-ending buzz of the city is a noise that hardly anyone notices anymore. Amari stirs at the warm, yet harsh light reaching her eyes. Her bright blue eyes slowly open as she takes in the peaceful morning.
    Amari rubs her eyes and stretches reaching out in the air toward the horizontal lines that project from the sun behind the blinds. The sun highlights the slight dust that was stirred by her movement. Amari leans up and makes her way to her closet seeking a typical outfit. She chooses a soft gray tunic with a matching robe. After getting dressed Amari makes her way into the washroom to look into the rounded, metallic mirror. Amari studies her light blonde hair. With a sigh of annoyance, she makes the decision to put her hair into to braids with messy buns at the bottom.
    After completing Amari's daily tasks, she decides to meditate on her disheveled bed sheets. She slides onto the bed where she could barely feel the warmth of where she once lay. Amari closes her eyes, crosses her legs, and brings her legs in as close as she can.
    Amari clears her mind, feeling the force flow through her. Being at one with the force brings her immense peace. Amari starts to float as she senses a familiar presence at her door. But the subtle knock is truly what snapped her out of her meditation.
    She gently places herself back down on the bed. Loudly Amari speaks, "Please, come in. It's open."
    The electronic door glides open as Amari turns to see Obi Wan Kenobi standing in the door way. Seeing him makes Amari nervous, although she's never sure why. "Obi Wan, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Amari asks in a playful tone.
   "Good morning, Amari. Am I interrupting?" Obi Wan asks with a playful eye roll. The two have always had a playful banter between one another. Obi Wan and Amari were both trained by Qui Gon back many cycles ago. Amari always believed that there was a special bond between the two of them.
    "Just a morning meditation as usual." Amari replies with a smile.
    With a slight change of tone Obi Wan says, "Well, I apologize for cutting it short but the council wants to see us." Amari nods her head as a reply and slides off the bed grabbing her lightsaber off the dark counter on her way to the door. Amari follows Obi Wan through the halls of the Jedi Temple talking casually. The pair finally reached the door where the council resided. The door glides open as the two walk in with their robes flowing gently behind them.
    "Expecting you both, the council has." Said by the Master Yoda. Amari looks around searching the room. It continuously puts Amari into a state of awe to be in the same room as these legendary Jedis.
    "Thank you," Obi Wan replies as the pair bows their heads slightly.
    Suddenly Master Mace Windu speaks out, "The council is assigning you both on a mission to Naboo." Amari's stomach tightens at the thought of traveling with Obi Wan. Nervousness? Excitement? She's not sure. She brings her focus back in quickly.
"Suspicious activity, there has been." Explains Master Yoda in his usual tone. "Bounty Hunter activity, we suspect."
Master Mace Windu cuts in and says, "There are rumors of an attack on their political leaders."
Amari's head turns quickly as Obi Wan asks,"Do we know who to expect? Is there any intel?"
"There are several possibilities to expect. But you will be sent to investigate. It is possible that the Sith may be involved." Master Windu explains with his usual solemn expression. "You will receive more information later regarding the mission. As for right now, pack your things and be ready to go."
Amari and Obi Wan bow their heads and say, "Thank you." They both turn on their heels and walk toward the door as it smoothly glides open. The pair takes a left down the long hallway filled with beautiful columns and maroon carpeting. As they make their way down the hallway Amari begins to notice the silence. Her mind panics trying to think of a way to fill the awkward silence... wait was it awkward?
Suddenly Obi Wan leans in and playfully nudges her with his shoulder, "Looks like we have an adventure ahead of us haven't we?"
Amari grins, "Yes, yes we do." As they walk they talk about the various possibilities of the mission. Amari's gaze lingering on his soft eyes. She couldn't help but notice how his eyes glistened when passing by each sunshine filled window. Amari subtly shakes her head in disbelief that she's even thinking of this. They're Jedis. Jedis cannot develop attachments.
"Amari, looks like we've made it to your quarters. As always... it's a pleasure." Obi Wan says looking over to Amari. A slight grin brightening his face.
"As always Obi! Make sure you take a good shower before we hop on the ship." She replies with a laugh.
Obi Wan rolls his eyes with a smile as he crosses his arms, "Very funny, Amari. I better get going."
"See you in a little while Obi." Amari grins as she turns to the door. It glides open as she steps through it.
Amari makes her way to her closet reaching the top shelf for her gray leather duffel bag. As she makes her way to her bed she tosses the bag down. Amari then lies on her back staring at the ceiling as the horizontal lines from earlier in the morning move further away. She began to think... Is this really happening? Despite going on missions before, it was never just Amari and Obi Wan. At least, not since the days with Qui Gon. Amari reassures herself that these feelings are just excitement... nothing more.

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