Chapter Two: I Suck at Style

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"Hazel, it's not even that bad." Luke mumbles as I complain about the outfit I was wearing.

"That bad?" I pester him and he groans, causing a small smile to tug at my lips. I knew this made Luke angry, shopping for clothes wasn't his thing, but he did it with me nonetheless-- another reason why I loved this boy to the moon and back.

I tried my hardest to forget that I was moving here soon, I had started to pack and Luke was starting to wonder why he couldn't come over anymore. I just told him that the house was going under renovations, which wasn't a complete lie but not the total truth.

"Hazel, can we just leave? You know I hate this, I suck at style." He groans again and stands from the small blue seat his butt previously occupied.

I smile at him, letting him subtly know the love I have for him. He smiles back and my heart still manages to flutter even though this smile was just a Luke smile, he smiled at me everyday but every smile Luke gave me was a smile that caused my heart to speed up.

"I love your style." I step closer to him and he acknowledges by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close. I look up to him and stare into his icy blue eyes while his stared back at my earthy brown ones.

I could stand like this all day, in Luke's embrace was the one place I wanted to be but with me leaving soon, it was soon to be the place I missed being in most.

"More than you love me?" He pouts and sticks his bottom lip out.

"I don't love anything more than I love you Lukey." I smile softly at him, every word I spoke was true. The love I had for him was immense and he needed to know that.

I couldn't say goodbye to him, it just can't happen. I'm sure if I were to bring it up to him, he'd offer me a place to stay but I couldn't be that much of a burden to Luke. I already occupy most of his time, I couldn't ask for his home in return.

"Good, it better stay that way." He confidently states and I tighten my grip on his hips-- I knew he was going to try and step away from me, I knew him all too well.

He does as I predicted, trying to step away from me in the attempts of being a bad ass but Luke couldn't kill the spider in his house the other day let alone fool anyone of how much of a bad ass he supposedly was.

My heart aches as Luke stops pulling from me and stares deep in my eyes. I feel the tears begin to form as it kicks in that this moment could be the last best moment I have with Luke. Or the next moment, or the next moment, any moment could be the last and I just hope every moment is amazing as it always was. I didn't want to leave him and tears threatened to show him my fear.

Luckily for me he doesn't catch on but instead slowly lowers his head down. I notice how he begins to close his eyes when he's an inch from my face but instead of letting our lips lock in place, I shake his hips; pulling him from his trance.

His eyes shoot open and his blue eyes are meeting my brown ones as I try to speak without my voice giving away anything.

"Promise you'll always love me, okay?" I whisper to him and he scrunches up his eyebrows.

"Babe, what are you-"

"Luke, just promise me. I just need to know that you'll love me no matter what."

He smiles at me and swiftly brings his head down to mine-- locking lips in such a fast movement that I don't even notice we're kissing until he pulls away.

"I will always love you Hazel, don't ever question that." He softly states as I bow my head, trying to avoid eye contact as the tears started to fall from their barrier.

"I love you." He says and puts two fingers under my chin, trying to get me to look up at him. I try my hardest to turn my head away from him but when Luke wants me to look at him, he'll get me to look at him. He places both of his hands on either side of my face, forcing me to look at him despite my minor attempts at preventing it.

"Don't cry, I'll always love you Hazel." He smiles and I try my hardest to contain the tears but I couldn't no more. I let them fall and wrap my arms around Luke's neck, not wanting to let the best piece of me slip away.

I couldn't keep it from anymore, I just couldn't. I don't want things to change between us, many things prevented me from telling him but the one I held onto most was saying goodbye. I could not say goodbye to the love of my life, I just couldn't. I don't want him to think I hate him or that I didn't tell him because I don't love him but because I couldn't let him slip from me before I had to leave. But I couldn't keep it from him any longer, I had to tell him.

I don't care if he'll be mad at me but I just can't keep this thing from him any longer but I want him to love me like I'll always be here and not treat me like he's going to lose me forever... Though that may be the case.

"What's wrong babe? You know I love you." Luke lets out a short laugh as I pull from the embrace. I didn't know how to word it. I didn't even want to tell him in the first place but I needed to say it, there was no point of preventing the inevitable heartbreak any further.

"Luke," I pause and feel my bottom lip quiver with the anticipation of his reaction, "I'm moving."


Hey you guys! :) I know this a short update but I haven't updated in awhile.... So here you go! Wonders of Being Me reached 11k the other day... Holy fucking shit, that's crazy. It's honestly so terrible but thanks for reading it. I know that it's bad because not even I want to re-read it and I've read a lot of bad shit in my fan fiction days....

There's been a lot going on lately... New friends, feeling replaced, being called names and just hurting in general. I should've wrote more while I was "depressed" because that's when I do the most sad things in my writing but I couldn't even get myself to dress let alone write... I'm sorry, I'm a terrible person.... I hate myself more than you guys could.

I hope you guys are doing well and please remember that you are good enough and you always will be... Don't let anyone hurt you the way others been hurt... YOURE AMAZING AND GORGEOUS AND UGH I JUST WISH I WAS YOU BECAUSE DAMN

Anyways, I hope you guys like this because I think it's going a lot better than when WOBM first started. I just need to sit down and plan it all out again because it's been ages. I honestly love you guys, seriously.

Read my Louis fan fic if you wish, I'm one away from 400... xD


-Cristina XOXO


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