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Breathing out relieved no one would bother her with noice anymore Isabella put her head under her pillow to stop the day light to disrupt her attempts to go back in her sleep making her unannounced public to smile at her good try.

Feeling the mattress dig in she groaned slightly making her unhappiness known, she could be a brat sometime smiling at her the older woman pulled her head in her laps massaging her skull.

As soon as the well known perfume hit her nostrils something in her changed making her melted inside she knew Sera could take care of everything, putting her hands around her waist she whimpered clinging to her.

"How is my baby? Kira said you were feeling lazy today. Is that true?" Just nodding she didn't said a word her face deep in her stomach. Amused by her game she kept rubbing her head.

"What did I told you?" Arching one brow she met her eyes peeked at her.

"To use my words... I don't feel like taking a bath, too much work. Plus you already cleaned me."

Turning on her back her head still on the older woman thighs, Isabella hands sneaked in her dress shirt just to play with her breast, massaging them. She always wanted to do that just like she was doing , closing her eyes her face in the firm asbs of her stomach she injoyed her privilege.

"Okay then, how about I give you your bath, you eat then you will have your gifts." Opening her eyes immediately the young woman face lit.

"A gift? No you said gifts like in many! Haha, we have a deal."

Laughing at her attitude Sera kissed her forehead with love before walking toward the bathroom swaying her hip knowing Isa had her eyes on her, she knew the girl was fascinated by them, even before she will make comments on her liking them and wanting to have the same.

Swallowing hard Isa placed her chin in her hand licking and bitting her lips her mouth watering at the sight, she could feel her panties soaking.

The moment she disappeared she let go of her front sinking in the mattress sighing deeply she couldn't believe her fate. She had Sera undivided attention, she always needed it, she wasn't thrilled to put a name on how she felt or wanted to feel in Sera presence or having her love her.

She was always intimidated by older woman and was infatuated by Sera the first time she laid her eyes on her, yeah she was quiet young but soul don't care about that she just knew she was enamoured by her like an infatuation.

She was never her mother in any terms, no, that was not the reason why she called her mommy.

She just felt like it, in fact she loved the sensation it gave her to call her like that.

Mdlg, BDSM, or whatever, she knew existed, but some of the things it implied she didn't want so that was good they understood each other.

They didn't have to label it to fit in a box. She like what she like and have it that way end of it.

She felt someone pulling her to the edges of the bed, her clothes started been discard leaving her naked, then she felt strong arms carried her the next thing she knew she was in the water. Opening her eyes she saw Sera kneeling bear the tub a washcloth in her hand to clean her. Whimpering she pushed her hand away.

Understanding what she wanted, the stunning woman removed her clothes displaying her beautiful body, then got in the tub with her she sat behind her immediately Isabella body laid on her front feeling her breasts on her back as she kept washing her body.

She finished doing so while Isa kept play with her boots.

"You really like them huh sweety?"

Nodding she twirled her finger around the already hard nipple making Sera jerked back bitting her lower lip.

"Love... How, huh, how about we finish t...o bath you first then we will open the gift I brought you."

Nodding eagerly Isa stood up waiting for her to do the first move, taking in her body she did just that. Standing up in all her glory walking toward the towels she was aware of the hungry stare that was glued on her, looking at her she could tell the young woman was in a trance just by the sight, she helped her out of the tub drying her body slowly.

When she put the material in between her thighs the glistening made it slide catching the older woman attention, taking a peek she bit her tongue at the mess, her core itching in a way that made the beast in her roared. Standing up she saw Isa eyes was closed her face pink well aware of her knowing.

Smiling a bit she pulled her face up with her index the other caressing her lower lips.

"It's okay baby, I will clean you then we can go hmm?"

Carrying her to her bedroom she laid her on the mattress spreading her legs shocked at the view, her juice was pouring freely having her thighs all wet, the smell was so exquise that Sera hands trembled as she called in her all her willpower.

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