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"Isabella did you see... Woah! Who gave this to you?" Eyes wide opened Adria almost screamed shouted almost immediately running toward her sister to touch the diamond necklace she wore.

Alerted Kira who was in the next room walked behind her to see what had her sister almost screaming, her own eyes not failing to pop out of her head at the sight, studying her last sibling she wondered how she did to be so calm when she was wearing a fortune around her neck and arm.

Pursing her lips at the view of the scene that was being displayed on TV while she was sitting behind her home office desk Sera witness it all proud of how Isabella looked at them like they were the ones with a problem.

Chuckling at that she straightened her back her fingers intertwined on the desk, she knew they would react like they were doing, what she wanted to see was whzt her baby reaction would be at people attention on her. She had to say, she didn't let her down, she was never money hungry, leaning back in her chair she enjoyed the show.

"Pretty Lord, OMG! She bought this for you!?" Thinking back at the bags Sera was holding the previous night Kira asked not believing how whipped the woman was of her little sister.

"Wait. It's Sera who offered this to you?" Death serious Adria think loud more speaking to herself than trying to know, she knew how spoiling mode the woman could go whenever her little sister was link to the matter. But to this extent? Waiting for an answer her gaze met her little sister innocent one.

Nodding at them all Isabella finally sat opening the plate of meal the chef said was hers seeing as she missed breakfast again, not that she complained she had something else in the morning, her eyes sparkled as she saw the lobster inside.

Liking her lips mouth watering she was about have a bite when she stopped the silence making her wandered her gaze on her siblings who looked at her as if she had too many heads in her shoulder the fact was both didn't understood how she could show more interest in her food than the jewelries she wore.

"What?" Zoning out of the daze they were in Adria shook her head a fake smile on trying to diffuse the feeling she had in het gut. Plus theirs eyes couldn't let go of the lobsters, the thing  was good but cost a fortune.

"Nah, it's nothing you know. It's everyday that you will what is in you plate. But if you didn't missed too much meals already I bet you will not be eating by yourself. Sera is very smart, she will do everything to please you. That's good." Pointing at the food that looked so appetizing Adria said then shook her head at her others siblings.

"I'm just saying but if someone wants Sera to have their head, go ahead and help her eat."

All shook theirs heads no before discarding in different directions when sound of heels was heard in the hallway coming toward the dinning room, soon enough Sera entered the room in all her glory.

"Hi Adria, Isa... How are you doing I hope you enjoy your time?" Smiling sweetly at Isabella rapidly dismissing her older sister like she didn't exist Sera tilt her head to have a good look of the young woman.

"I'm doing great. It's really good." Taking a bite of the food, Isa closed her eyes enjoying the taste.

"Ahah, that is good darling. What will be fantastic is you finishing it all. Can you do that for me?"

The way she was speaking lovingly taking her time to voice everything even got to Adria who shook her head to regain control of herself it was like putting someone in a spell ringing some bells in her head.

Her eyes on the rest of food in her plate Isabella mouthed a yes so happy it was blinding.

"Good, I will let you at it then. I will be in my office if you need me. Adria." With that she left them silence the only sound that could be hear after was the small sound Isabella would do time by time.

Her eyes on her sister for a moment Adria shook her head sure she knew what was going on between those two. No one could go doing the kind of gifts she wore just because of the sake of it if love wasn't around plus she knew the meaning of the  black Opal she could have offer her a ring that it would have the same meaning. It was clearly her claiming her property on her.

Sighing deeply sorry she couldn't do better to help her sister who by the way seemed all good about it. Sighing she left the dinning room thinking hard.

Shrugging at her sister silent self, Isabella continued eating like there were no tomorow chewing slowly taking her time, she knew Sera would not appreciate it if she hurried then say her stomach hurt as it already happened in the past.

Standing up thirty minutes later all full, she let everything on the table as instructed by Sera for the chef to send someone to pick it, and left toward the garden to admire the view.

She always like the peace it irradiated sitting on one of the bench she inhaled happily the scent for the first time ever she didn't felt in conflict with herself, she had what she always wanted. Why not be grateful. Lost in the sight she failed to feel the stares that was glued to her from the second floor.

"If you told me three days ago she would be so happy, no! Not happy, glowing I would have laughed at your face. The woman always work magic on her."

"You saw that too." Meeting each other eyes theirs stares lingered both thinking the same thing, Henry was never the one to speak a lot but he could see things that not everyone could see.

Turning his back to his older sister Adria he leaned his forehead on the closed window glass eyeing his little sister from afar. He could feel Adria gaze on his back trying to speak through a weird link they have been using for years, they could understand each other without speaking, he knew what she was thinking but fear in a way to voice it making it true in his mind.

"I, what if she take her away f.."

"It will certainly happen. The woman is feisty she will never back off in front of anything for Isa. If having her out of here is what she wants to do nothing will stop her. Let's face it, she always got her the best of the best in everything. She didn't fear trouble, always getting out of her way for her. Remember when I got in trouble in her school I should have been expelled but guess what I learned later? She threatened the board members to let me stay or else they will face the consequences."

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