The texts.♥️

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You wake up the next day, bearly awake you're phone goes off you check what your phone was buzzing about. You see that Dukes live on Tiktok. But why at 2:00 am?  You shrug your shoulders. And take a deep breath and click on the live. You got on the live at the perfect time. You see him with red lights and a chair and you hear him playing the song "I see red" you think to yourself forgetting you have a special ability" I wonder what goes through his mind during his lives" You then say to yourself " imagine if he got horney on this live😳" you then hear him put the song "the song that says do I make you horney baby" you then comment "Daddy duke do I make you horney baby?" You *post comment* he starts reading the comments and you hurry and think of him and you hear him in his mind say "I wanna read the comments" you then realize what you typed and you freak out . He reads them the.. HES SEES YOU'RE COMMENT. he says in his mind "damn who commented that " he looks at
the name and says "Damn it y/n why you gotta do me like this. "He blushed and says that he'll be back he leaves the camera . You still thinking about him you can see what he is doing you look. And you see duke pulling his pants down and saying "damn I'm hard already"  you then blush that you turned him on agian.  He says "hey guys I'ma be ending the live" He says goodbye. *He thinks he ends live* He says finally I'm off the live now I can do something. He gets up and goes to get his other phone and takes his shirt off and says time to watch y/n videos then he gets on tiktok to see that he's still live He hurts and looks at the other phone that's live and gasps and runs to end the live.*live ended* he says" holy shit that was a close one".you then think about texting him so you getting ready to text him you then remember he has an only fans. So you make an ACC and message him and say hey . You get up not knowing if he's gonna reply. You go to you're kitchen and get some chocolate and sit down in your living room. You then hear a ding you jump up and run to you're phone and you look to see who it is and it's none other than DUKE! He said Hi y/n I'm happy your a fan of me hopefully we'll get to know each other a little more. You get all excited and quickly type Yes I would love that!. You guys talk for awile. Then he says "Hey y/n I have to go to bed I have a colabe tomorrow" you say okay I get that goodnight!
A/note :Hey guys I'm sorry for short chapter but I need some ideas in the comments and Ik there's bearly any veiws but I really appreciate you guys whoa are reading my fanfict! Thank you guys🥺

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