3. Could it be true?

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Oh no. This just couldn't be good. Your stomach was swarming again as you and Draco's eyes met but this time not in fear. He was... magnetically attractive it seemed, you wanted him to come closer and smell his cologne and— shit you needed to stop thinking like this. It's probably just the placebo effect, you assured yourself and turned slowly away from him.

Draco sat back down at his chair slowly, looking as if he had seen a ghost. His cheeks were ever so slightly rosy and he seemed frustrated. Crabbe and Goyle gave him a strange look. You heard frenzied whispering between Draco and his henchmen but when he realised you were looking over at him, therefore probably trying to eavesdrop, he hissed at them to shut up and suck back into his chair. He snarled at you but let his eyes linger on yours for too long before turning away, still rosy cheeked. You on the other hand felt strangely alive when he snarled at you and felt butterflies gathering in your stomach. This was so terrifying.

At this point it had reached lunch time and everyone flocked out of the room, a hum of disappointment in the air regarding what had happened between you and Draco. More to the point, what hadn't happened. You sighed and picked up your books.

"Ok look seriously," Georgia insisted, she had been trying to figure out what was wrong for the past few minutes, "I know something is wrong with you, you were so happy earlier! Are you upset Dwaco doesn't wub you?" she teased but her face fell instantly as you just turned away and looked ashamed. "Wait, for real?" she gasped. You just walked out of the room, not ready to face the way you felt.

Walking into the Great Hall you felt a million eyes burning into your face, you felt quite uncomfortable and out of place. The hasty echoing footsteps that had chased you out of potions caught up to you. The owner of those feet was Georgia of course and although she was annoyed you were ignoring her, seeing the entire halls eyes on you made her understand what you might be feeling. You shuffled over to sit at the Y/H/N table next to a couple of your roommates and hung your head.

"Cheer up bunny," your friend Ellie smiled. "At least he's well hot," she added with a giggle, the other girls sat near you giggled too and you heard a couple whispers about how jealous some of them were of you but Georgia scowled at all of them.

"I don't know what's up with Y/N right now but I can tell it's not the time for that," she hissed. Everyone shut up fast and looked around at each other confused.

Upset and distressed as you looked, all that was really going on in your head was the normal makings of a teenage crush. That was the most horrifying part of it all, how normal it was. It wasn't an all consuming magical love and so you didn't even know if the myth was to blame or you had genuinely just developed feelings for the Slytherin Prince independently. That's the part you hated most.

The chatter around you faded into background noise for what felt like the first time in days and you allowed yourself to zone out. You rested your chin on your palm and looked straight ahead of you. Coincidentally, or maybe not so coincidentally, you were now staring at Draco. You tried to hate the way he looked so desperately but his carefully styled hair, his sharp black suit and piercing eyes were mesmerising. Shit, his eyes! He was looking right back at you. You snapped your eyes from him to your friends at the table and forced yourself to zone back in.

"I still hate him," You announced to your table, hoping that saying it aloud would make it come true. "My feelings haven't changed, I'm just... all shaken up about the whole thing," you gave a forceful smile as your friends murmured in understanding. "I don't want to see him right now so... I'm heading upstairs, see you guys later," everyone said their goodbyes and well wishes to you as you grabbed some fruit to eat up in your room, you had barely eaten all day and knew that you really should eat something. Maybe all these feelings were just hunger.

Your school approved (faux) leather shoes clicked and clacked on the empty castles stone stairs as the commotion of the Great Hall faded behind you. The silence was calming but at the same time only made your thoughts louder. You speed-walked through the moonlit corridors towards your common room and tried desperately to push that blonde weasel out of your mind. This was a fruitless effort.

"Password," Y/H/N's portrait asked you with a deadpan voice and expression. You calmed your breathing for a second, not noticing until now how panicked you had been feeling. All this for a boy? you asked yourself inwardly.

"Concessio," you trembled and hurried into the common room, straight up the stairs, into your room and you collapsed on your bed in relief. Kicking off your shoes, you tried to screw your eyes shut and think about anything other than Draco but it didn't help. He was stuck on your mind and you wished he wasn't but your body language said otherwise as you fell asleep that night holding your pillow close and picturing a scent of green apples and fresh robes.

A/N: Hi! Thanks so much for reading and sorry my updates are so infrequent :( I'd love to hear some opinions so it would great if you left a comment telling me what you think or giving me any suggestions <3

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