2. The Waiting Game

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"Wake up Y/N! Breakfast is almost over!" Georgia shouted at you. This was the third time she had tried to wake you up this morning. You had stayed up all of last night tossing and turning, worrying about what would happen the next day. You opened your eyes slowly and saw her standing above you, already eating a croissant suggesting to you she had already been to breakfast without you.

"Not hungry," you grumbled, rubbing your eyes. Looking around the room, you saw the rest of your dorm mates had already disappeared downstairs leaving their beds a whirlwind of covers and the floor a hodgepodge of makeup products and pyjamas. Your dorm mates were very messy but looking around your own bed you weren't really one to talk.

You grabbed the first clothes you could reach and threw them on. Georgia had apologised and already headed off to finish breakfast with what you presumed was the rest of your dorm. Checking your watch, you concluded you really wouldn't have time for breakfast. Hastily you combed through your hair and grabbed a tube of lipgloss off the floor. You didn't know whose it was but applied it anyway. Taking a quick look in the mirror, you wondered if you should have made yourself look better since most people's attention would be on you today. But then again you didn't want anyone to think you were trying to impress Draco. You scooped up your school books and dumped them in your bag, before rushing out the door and deciding to get a headstart on your way to Divination rather than try to speed eat breakfast.

~ Time Skip to Potions ~

The clock hands moved too fast, a frenzied tornado of time made to antagonise you. You had barely woken up and now it was 11:55 and you felt more nervous than ever before. You felt like you were gonna be sick. The good news though was that even though Draco was usually in Potions with you, at about 11:45 he had come up with a lame excuse about an appointment with Dumbledore and rushed out of the classroom looking about as sick as you felt now.

You supposed you felt a little offended about how horrified he seemed about being in love with you. Reminding yourself quickly that you were reacting in the same way, you told yourself it was only fair.

You gripped your desk hard and bit your lips and bounced your leg in fear as the second hand made its round on 11:58. What was going to happen to you? Would it just be like Amortenia and your love for him would consume the rest of your thoughts. The entire class turned to you in excitement, as if they were expecting you to immediately burst into a musical number about how great Draco is when the clock struck 12:00. Even Snape watched you curiously with a quirked eyebrow.

You scrunched your eyes shut and felt as Georgia patted your back comfortingly. The whole room was alive with discussion about what was going to happen to you. You tried to comfort yourself. It's just a myth. It's just a myth. Nothings going to happen Y/N, get it together.

12:00 passed and so did 12:01 yet you still sat with your eyes scrunched shut. Everyone was still and quiet in anticipation.

"Hey Y/N, how you feeling?" Georgia asked gently from next to you. Slowly, your eyes fluttered open. The whole classroom leaned towards you in anticipation with wide eyes. You sighed in relief. Nothing felt different. You laughed gently. Of course it was a myth, you were so stupid to believe it. Everyone looked confused at your laugh, probably worried you were going insane.

"It didn't work guys! I don't feel anything for Draco!" You announced to the class laughing. You felt a slight shiver when you said Draco's name but figured it was only because you had been stressing about him for the past week. Everyone rolled their eyes and looked away from you, disappointed and annoyed they'd wasted their time. Snape cleared his throat to get the classes attention and went back to teaching. Georgia smiled at you comfortingly and patted your shoulder before getting back to her notes. What a relief.

The door opened a couple minutes later and Draco swaggered in, self assured. He had also realised that nothing had changed and regained his normal arrogant confidence. The pale and ill face from before was gone. He was, of course, still pale like he always was, but not quite as green now. He thought to himself, what a relief.

You turned to look at Draco with a smug smile on your face since you had been immune. When you turned to face him he was already looking at you and the two of you made eye contact. Both of your smiles faded and you stared at each other in disbelief.

Oh. My. God.

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