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The others all arrived within three minutes of Jemma's call to Coulson and gathered on that five by five square feet of steady ground that didn't feel like it was about to collapse in on itself.
"She's a lot more powerful than I ever expected, May." Coulson said thoughtfully as limbs began to fall from trees.

"Uhm, Jemma why do you have a baby?" Fitz asked.

"Oh, thank you Fitz, here." she said and passed the little boy over to her best friend.

"Skye had me get him out before all of this started." Jemma's heart hadn't stopped aching or worrying for her since she had left the house. Her eyes had held so much pain.

"I think that all of this is related or connected somehow to her emotions. It started when they were arguing." Jemma murmured to herself. With Fitz taking care of the floating, crying infant, she could think much more clearly.

"It got progressively worse as she got angrier and calmed when she spoke to me."

"So we can go in and try to calm her down the same way we would Bruce Banner?" Coulson asked.

"Yes, but we should don protective gear first. I hate to say it but I don't trust her like this." Jemma warned.

"We? You can't possibly intend to..." May protested.

"No one will be able to calm Skye the way Jemma does." Tripp interrupted.

"Alright, we go in cold and let Simmons do the talking. Get right in her field of vision and keep her focus on you. Talk to her like we aren't even there. Take her focus off of Walker, and if you can, get her to let him go. If not, then he deserves to die anyway."

"You know?" Jemma asked, looking horrified.

"It's in her past medical records, I was scoping her out before she deleted all of the files related to her past existence. Our Skye is a special girl." He said.

"Let's go." said May, buckling up her and Jemma's bulletproof vests. "Before she goes too far and kills all of our special selves."
Jemma jogged up the stairs in case they tried to collapse underneath her and through the doors where Skye had Walker on the ground with a foot on his throat.

"Give me a reason not to kill you." Skye told him and Jemma recognized the undertone of power in her voice, her pistol trained on his head.

"He can't. He deserves it and he knows it." Jemma said honestly, moving into Skye's field of vision as the others trained night-night guns on her from behind.

"Jemma? What are you doing in here? Where's the baby?" Skye asked and the tremors calmed a little.

"He's outside with Fitz. He's really quite adorable. Mr. Walker, does the baby boy have a name?" she asked Skye's captive audience. THe tremors increased with Skye's shifted focus and Walker didn't answer.

"The lady asked you a question."Skye pressed with her foot and the house rocked.

"Sa-Samuel." he rasped and his nose began to bleed.

"Samuel, what a pretty name. Don't you think so, Skye?" Jemma asked nervously. She had never been trained in hostage negotiation.

"Pretty, right what are you trying to do here, Jemma?" Skye growled, her grip readjusting on her gun.

"I'm trying to get you to let him go." she replied simply.

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