Bonus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"We're going to put you and Simmons in a safe house until you're not in danger anymore." Coulson told Skye, worry creasing his face.

"Do you think that she'll ever forgive me?" Skye asked from her hospital bed, her own face furrowed in pain. Ever since the 'incident' when Skye had confessed that she had in fact known that there was something different about her the whole time Jemma had been giving her the silent treatment.

"I don't know...but taking a bullet for her was probably a step in the right direction." Coulson joked, though it was plain that he wasn't sure about leaving an injured, untrained, and unstable super agent alone in the hands of her pissed off girlfriend.

"Hey AC, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me, I've had worse and as I've recently proven. I'm more than capable of defending myself." She tried to joke back, but her shoulder hurt too much to laugh.

"Oh, I've figured out how to get Jemma in here when I need to see her, watch." She said and with a wince, sat up and swung her legs over the side and attempted to stand. As soon as her feet hit the floor, Jemma was in the room yelling.

"If you want to get yourself killed or shot, or be all noble and sacrifice yourself for someone, that's fine by me! Just don't expect me to stick around and watch. You get your ass back in this bed this instant, or so help me I will cut off your morphine." Jemma fussed and Coulson chuckled at Skye's pleased expression.

"Gosh, you're pretty." was all Skye said in response. Jemma rolled her eyes and blushed before leaving the room.

"Probably not the best way to get her attention." Coulson chuckled.

"If we weren't on an airplane I could cause an earthquake."she offered with a shrug.

"No super-powers until we have you somewhere where you can practice safely." Coulson ordered immediately.

"But I want tooooo." Skye protested like a petulant child.

"No super-powers." he said a bit more firmly this time and checked his watch. "We should be at the landing strip soon. The others and I will be back for you in a bit." he promised. "I'm sending in Simmons to keep an eye on you."

He stepped out and had a word with her before letting her in to see Skye.

"Simmons, I know that you're angry with Skye for not having told you about her...unique history before. You two have a strong bond, but it's nothing like the one that you and Fitz share. You're Fitz's confidant and his best-friend. Skye has never had either of those. She's used to being self-reliant and above all, keeping her secrets to herself. When I told her to not tell anyone about who and what she is, her mind didn't immediately include an 'except for Fitz' clause the way you would. She values her position here, with you, so much that she was willing to lose you to stay near you. We're the only family that she has ever known and she's willing to die to keep it and you. She has no idea who she is or what it is that she is becoming and she's scared. She's scared of herself and she's scared of losing you. I bet that there are other things that she wishes that she could tell you as well, if you can get her to open up to you. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

chapter 2

Jemma moved to the one way window and looked in at Skye. Even having just been shot she looked jumpy and ready for action. Just like for the first few days of observation she would make a fist and then stare at her hands. With the help of Coulson's advice she was finally able to place the expression... Horror. Skye was terrified of herself and what she might be capable of.

"How do I help?" Jemma asked, but when she turned around Coulson wasn't there. WIth a sigh she slid into the med-pod.

"Need more blood?" Skye asked, sticking out her arm to Jemma.

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