Chapter 2

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3:16 PM

"Excuse me, could I ask what you are speaking about?"

"Huh?" The female and the male speaking said in sync while turning around to the unknown person.

"I asked, what you are speaking about?"

"OH!. uhhh.. sir we where chatting.." The female said cowardly. The new male recruit was still confused. 

The female nudged the males arm as she was bowing, "Bow!" She whispered.

"Well, I wouldn't suggest you talk about that again." The unknown male who seemed upper class spoke.

"Hmm? Why?" The male who was still very confused asked.

The taller unknown male chuckled before speaking, "Because, I am the DareDevil, you where talking about."

The male immediately bowed, while apologizing.

The DareDevil chuckled a bit before another male walked up and smack him on the back of his head, "Oww!"

"Stop terrorizing the newbies," the male sighed before contineuing, "you will leave none for me!"

"Jimin, you can terrorize all of them with just your charm for gods sake!" The DareDevil fought back.

"Tae, have you seen yourself! I can terrorize all the Males, but you could terrorize all the females!"

"What do you mean!? All the females run to you, if there are any!" 

"The females may be a small amount, but that doesn't mean you can just take all the males for yourself!"

Before the argueing could continue another male appeared smacking them both upside the head, "Could either of you stop argeuing for even a second!" the wide shouldered male criticized. 

"But, we don't ALWAYS argue!" They both yelled back in sync.

"No buts!!" The KingPin Yelled back.

All three males continued to argue while the two low leveled members sat there surprised/confused about their upper leveled membered they looked up too.

"Jin! Taehyung! Jimin!" the unknown male began to get the three's attention, "We have to go!"

The three males ran off before saying their goodbyes properly.

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