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Note:Same people different identities.

It's 6:00am oh no I woke up late I was packing and I forgot about my job , quickly brushed my teeth,had a quick bath,wore my black fitted skirt ,my light blue button up shirt,with flats,I didn't bother to pack my hair ,took my birkin and other necessities,and left,thank God I put my things in the boot in the night and still I have to give my landlord the key to my apartment,I put it under the foot mat and later i'll tell him where it is,and I tell him the same story about my father dieing.

8:00am on the dot at least am here a little early, I quickly rushed into the building

"Good Morning " the receptionist she said as I walked passed her to the elevator.

"Morning" I shouted as the elevator was about to close a hand blocked it from closing.

I press the button to the third floor,i think it's Chad Michealson,i gotta check,as I go through his instagram page .

It's him,his my boss

* Ting Ting*

The elevator stopped and the door opened as I quickly rushed out .

I spot the guy that interviewed me,as I walk to him to ask about my job and all.

"Umm hi ,where do I sit or where do I work ,or I don't know just tell me what to do"

"Go set your things over there" he says pointing "And then ,go give your boss black cold coffee, without milk or sugar just water,his inside there" he said pointing again.

Why should I give him coffee,why can't he get coffee for himself,and why black cold office, without milk or sugar , that's odd.

"Sure I said smiling" I said going to my desk I place my birkin on the desk , back my hair up and got the coffee.

I knocked on the door

"Come in" I heard his voice

"Keep it there " he commanded as i kept it on is table.

And I left his office.

Shit,can you imagine

"Umm Miss Miss" he shouted

Oh crap

I opened the door and walked in

"You called me sir" I said

"Yes ,here" he said as he gave me a whole file."Take it and arrange them in alphabetical order,then you go the bank written in it an deposit the money in the file into the name and bank account in the file".

What the FUCK!!! did she just say and why in fuck's sake did she say what he said,so much work ,why ,this is not what I signed up for.

"Um hello ,hello hello"

OMG what does he want now,now it's really disgusting me that I have to do so much work,that heavens I didn't wear heels.

"Umm , anything else you need , sir" I asked him giving a fake smile.

"Yes,what is your name"

Bruno Mars dick head

"Nancy Wylie"

I walked out of the work he asked me to do.


I did everything he asked 6:00pm ,no no no I have to off load my stuff from my car and still arrange my house ,curse you Chad Michealson.
It's wired how am just coming back from the bank and it wasn't funny at all what he did.

"Oh your back" heasked.
No am just going fool.


"You can leave now" he said

I nodded and took went outside, unknown rain comes out of now where,today really is my lucky day,it seems like i will have to wait ,
1 damn hour later.

I can't wait anymore I have to go home,I quickly run inside the ran,again Thank God that I didn't wear heels.

I start the car,but the car isn't moving ,the fuck,I drop my bag inside the car,and take my key out ,now am dranged,like I haven't suffered enough,i let my hair down ,I try to look for the......,oh shit ,my tire is flat,why .

Chad immediately comes out of the building,he looks at me and smirks.
What there to smirk about , can't he offer to help me.

He moves his hand indicating i should come ,do I have a choice, he touches my hair and robs the water that's on his hand.

He opens his umbrella and goes into his car he opens the car door and yells

"Aren't you coming?"


I quickly run and open the door and sit .

"Sit belt" he says.

I buckle my sit belt and he turns out the air conditioner really.

"Sir can you reduce the the Air conditioner"


No??,but why.

"Sir Please" I said.

"And I said no Miss Wylie"

"Then pull over" I asked as he pull over, i opened the door and came out

I ain't taking no shit,I'll probably walk to my Apartment, as he drove off.

I finalize reached home .

I hate my job.


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