I love you

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"Do you know what you've done?" she asked with calm rage as she looked at the dagger stabbed into her heart.

"Do you know what you've DONE?!" She shrieked with a murderous look on her face.

"You've destroyed everything I've worked for you imbecile! This realm is supported by me, if I die, it dies. And you'll never be able to make it out before this entire asylum collapses in on us." She finishes with a smirk.

Before I knew it, I heard a huge crash and felt rumbling and shaking underneath us.

Everything seemed to happened in slow motion.

But I couldn't move from the spot I stood in.

I couldn't stop her.

I couldn't save her.

My 'mother' took the blade out of her chest. I heard a whoosh of air and a thump.

I looked to find my best friend's body fall to the ground, the blade lodged in her throat.

"NO!" I cried out. Tears were blurring the edge of my vision. A turmoil of emotions came over me - sadness, hurt, betrayal, rage, and hatred. Pure hatred.

"I will never consider you as my mother. I hate you," I spat out to my mother, my voice laced with venom.

Through the commotion of everything going on around me and the many emotions and stress I was put under, I felt myself begin to faint.

I thought I faintly heard my mother say, "I've watched over you your entire life and have never stopped caring for you. I know I am incapable of love but as my dying breath I just want you to know that although I was evil and unforgiving and just the worse person ever I realize what I've done and I want to tell you that I love you."

Maybe that was a glimpse of a mom that I could've had, that I would never have now.

And for a second, I saw an image of my mother, but her eyes were a bright blue and her eyes, they were filled with true love, not delusional love or evil, but a love that only a mother could give to her child.

It must've been a hallucination.

Yet, I still felt something.

I guess I just accepted death at that moment. There was no escape.

And as I stood there I wept. Not for my mother, but for the loss of the mother she could've been.

Red was the last thing I saw before I blacked out, everything around me falling apart.

Crumbling away like my life.

I woke up in a bright hospital room, confused and disoriented.

I had a pounding headache which made my head feel like it was spinning. My throat was too dry to talk.

An unfamiliar man that was sobbing in the corner of my room looked up as I woke up and a smile instantly lit up his face.

Before I could blink he hugged me and exclaimed with tears of joy, "You're awake!" and immediately called the doctor.

The doctor came in and said a whole bunch of things I just ignored.

One thing caught my ear though, "They pulled you out of the wreckage of the crumbled building and you were alive. It was actually a huge miracle that your only injury was a minor concussion. May I ask what were you doing at that abandoned asylum?"

I stared at him in confusion.

I musters up the energy to speak and let out the first words that I've said in what felt like forever. Maybe I'll finally get some answers.

Everything came out like water spilling out of a dam.

"What happened? Where am I? Who am I?"

And that's the end of the story guys. Sorry if a lot of you are disappointed with the ending it was kind of rushed because I didn't have any ideas to continue the story so I just wrote what I wrote for my English assignment. Also sorry it was incredibly short 😁

Anwayssss, I hope you all enjoyed it! :)

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