The Asylum

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We fortunately found flashlights in Jasmine's car. We entered the asylum cautiously, the door creaking as it opened.

I jumped slightly when the door slammed shut behind me, a cold draft giving me goose bumps on my skin, the darkness enveloping our figures until we turned on our flashlights.

"Whoopsie daisies sorry," Jasmine said.

We tried to open it but it was stuck shut by the rust.

"I'm sure there's another exit somewhere," I muttered with hope.

We continued walking down the hallway, investigating each room. We eventually found a light switch and it surprisingly turned on, but the lights were flickering due to its age. Cobwebs caked the walls and we left dust footprints on the floor.

Creaks and groans, that were hopefully the wind, filled the asylum, causing the hairs on the back if my neck to rise. My gut feeling was coming back because this place was honestly giving me the creeps.

In some rooms, dried blood was stained on the wall, almost like someone took a pail of red paint and flicked it all over the wall. I shivered at what must have happened here.

"Why would there be blood on the wall?"

I could literally hear the fear in my voice.

"I don't know, but is it just me or is this place giving you the creeps?" asked Jasmine, all previous courage void from her voice.

"Yea, let's just find an exit quickly and leave." I said.

Suddenly, all the lights went out.

"I knew this place was bad! Why did I decide to come here? I'm so sorry Jasmine," I exclaimed as hysteria started to slow creep into my voice.

We started scrambling around looking for a light switch...or something!

"Okay, let's just stay calm? find a way out and everything will be okay," she stated shakily.

It sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than me.

Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed me and pulled me into one of the rooms. I let out a muffled scream as I saw a faint shadow of Jasmine being dragged somewhere too.

Out of instinct, I began thrashing around, but I was knocked out.

The last thing I saw was a white door.

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