The Lightest Hearts Have The Darkest Souls

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I woke up with a shrill scream.

"Alison what's wrong?" questioned my dad's worried voice as he came rushing into my room, the bags under his eyes telling me that he's been up for a while now.

"Another nightmare?"

I nodded silently, my eyes flickering from his familiar face to the darkness behind him. To be frank, I jumped at almost anything now. He came over and pulled me into a warm hug, calming me down.

"I miss her too." He muttered. He thought that I've been having these nightmares about my mother, but that's a lie I told him. My mom disappeared when I was only three years old on October 13. I'm 17 now. The dreams started on the anniversary of her disappearance oddly, on Friday the 13th to be more exact. To be honest, I don't really remember much about her. Anyways, if I told my dad the truth about my nightmares, he would treat like one of his patients and it would make him stress even more about me. You see, my dad's a psychiatrist. These nightmares were dark and terrifying, grasping and taking advantage of my deepest darkest fears.

My dreams continued to grow worse. In one, I was being dragged down by countless, sickly pale hands into the ground. The hands were devoid of any warmth and grasped onto my ankle for dear life, dragging me down with them. Whispers of death and despair filled my ears and panic and pure terror coursed through my veins. As I was pulled deeper into the ground, dirt got in my nose and mouth, suffocating me. The worst part was that I welcomed death at that moment, I just wanted the torture to end, but I couldn't die. When I was completely in the ground, the hands disappeared, relieving me, but as I tried to claw myself out, the ground was relentless. No matter how far I dug, there would be no way out.

Suddenly, the ground started to grow softer under me and the ground surrounding me became solid, dark, and smooth.

I was in a coffin, buried alive.

Then, I heard this strange song with a sickly sweet melody, "The lightest hearts have the darkest souls, and the darkness could swallow them whole." After that, I woke up in a cold sweat, chills running down my spine as I stared into the darkness of my room, wondering what evils lay there.

The picture of the hands are kinda a visual of the nightmare Alison was having sooo yea. Thoughts?

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