Vladimir Dracula - YD

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Vlad when he's about to leave after listening to some breather try and say that you were dating him when in fact you have been with Vlad for years

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Vlad when he's about to leave after listening to some breather try and say that you were dating him when in fact you have been with Vlad for years.

"I doubt (Y/N) would date someone like you" Vlad stated to the random school student who had been trying to say that you had gone on a date and were together.

"Oh yeah and what makes you think that?" He asked aggressively just as you came round the corner and kissed Vlad on the cheek, taking his hand and questioning if he was ready to go.

Right as you both head out the door, Vlad stops and answers him "that does, goodbye" and waves whilst heading out the door shutting it behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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