Chapter 4

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Hearing quiet growling, Lucy's ears twitch and her eyes snap open, the soft light of morning illuminating their campsite. Looking around to see everyone still asleep, she hears the growling come again and jumps up to investigate. As she walks, nothing but the breeze can be heard as it brushes through the trees. In a dance of pink, cherry blossom petals whirl around her before forming a nymph that giggles before dissolving into petals again and dancing through the trees around Lucy as she continues walking. They come to a slow stop before her as the nymph reforms once more. She smiles and gestures at the trees behind Lucy, which move to create a path for her. She beamed Despite never meeting these young trees before, she knows and loves them. As they settle, she hears the soft growling again. Reaching the end of the aisle they had made, she again hears her name spoken softly. When it comes a second time, she breathes out in relief and hastens onward. Climbing to the top of a hill, she cries out in joy. "Aslan!" Rushing to Him, she embraces Him and buries herself in His mane. "I have missed you so much!" Stepping back, she grins in shock. "You've grown."

"Every year you grow, so shall I." He smiled gently. Lucy's smile dims as she stares at the Great Lion.

"Where've you been? Why didn't you come to help?"

Aslan's eyes turn sad. "Things never happen the same way twice, dear one." Hearing something crack, they both look to the side before-


Lucy opens her eyes, the crack echoing slightly in the silent forest. Sitting up, she looks around before choking back a sob of bitter disappointment. Collecting herself, she turned to her sister.

"Susan, wake up." Susan jumps slightly, before turning to look groggily at Lucy.

"What is it, Lu?"

"I heard something," she whispered, looking around. Susan sits up, listening hard before grabbing her bow and quiver and standing as another twig snaps. Lucy follows suit and leads Susan toward where she heard the noise, noticing with hope that this was the path she followed in her dream. As they walk along, weapons at the ready just in case, Lucy couldn't help but stroke the trees that had moved in her dream, mentally begging them to move. They remain still and Lucy ploughs ahead with Susan at her heels. As Lucy starts to round the rock that was between her and where Aslan was in her dream, there's another growl and they both crouch down. Lucy's heart sinks. That's not Aslan, not even slightly. Peeking out from behind some helpful foliage, they see a minotaur in full armor, carrying a bundle of weapons, prowl by. Susan stays put, but Lucy inches forward to have a better look, staying crouched down.

"Hey!" Someone yells. Lucy raises her knife and Susan leaps out from behind the bush arrow nocked as they see a man approaching. His sword's drawn but pointed at the ground to show he isn't going to jump in and attack immediately. "Who are you? What are you doing out here?" The man asks suspiciously. Lucy looks around in shock as Narnians appear out of the trees and surround them in a loose half circle.

"We could ask the same of you." Susan's gaze never wavers from the man, her bow steady and arrow locked onto his chest.

"Susan!" Peter calls, rounding the bend with Edmund and Trumpkin. The brothers draw their swords when they notice their sisters' defensive poses. Trumpkin looks around in shock at his gathered people. The man looks at them all in shock before focusing on Peter's sword.

"High King Peter?" He asks.

"Indeed, and you are?"

"I am Prince Caspian."

"You're not... Narnian, are you?" Edmund asks, staring at the prince.

"No," he shakes his head in shame. "I am the heir to the Telmarine throne." Lucy inhales sharply.

"Lu?" Edmund asks, causing her to look at her family.

"Aslan's Law. Narnia was never right unless one of Adam's flesh and Adam's blood sat on the throne." They all turn to look at Caspian with various expressions from shock to grief.

"What does that mean?" Caspian draws back slightly, not liking the looks he's getting.

"It means that, Aslan willing, you will sit upon the throne of Narnia." Peter says, regarding Caspian intently as he gapes in shock. "Now come, let us continue as we discuss what has been and is happening." They all begin walking once again, Edmund following closely after Peter and Caspian while Susan and Lucy join Trumpkin further back. The murmuring of quiet conversations starts up as they walk, many of them centered on the return of the Kings and Queens of Olde.


Lucy and Susan join the front of the column as they pause at the edge of a tree line to see a massive, overgrown stone mound.

"We have set up our base in what is called the How." Caspian comments quietly, unsure of his place or if his comments are needed.

Lucy smiles tightly at him. "This was not in Narnia when we left, so thank you." At the other's nods, he relaxes a bit. As they reach the entrance, centaurs line the slope into the How and draw their swords in salute. Peter and Susan continue, nodding at the centaurs. Caspian hangs back before his arm is gripped by Lucy and she pulls him to walk between her and Edmund.

"Peter and Susan go first as he is High King, and she is the elder Queen. That will be your place soon enough, Aslan willing, but not yet." Edmund murmurs quietly to the prince, who nods gratefully at the information. Once inside, Edmund, Lucy, and by extension due to Lucy's continued grip, Caspian, draw level with Peter and Susan to see forges at work.

"It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible." Caspian said, frowning when he sees their smiles.

"Our first battle had everyone in tents in a field where the White Witch was able to be carried in for a council with Aslan. This is an improvement." Peter chuckles, still looking around. After a while of Peter, Edmund, and Susan following Caspian around discussing battle plans and supplies, they hear Lucy call out for them. Looking around, they see her standing at the entrance to a tunnel they hadn't entered, nor did they observe anyone else entering or leaving. Moving quickly toward her, Caspian following without any prompting, they grab torches to better light their way.


Moving the torches around so the light shone on the stone walls, the siblings are shocked to see themselves etched there, their child selves.

"It documents our time in Narnia from our entrance to our coronation." Lucy calls quietly, her hand resting on an image of a lamp and a fawn with a red scarf.

"Who is this fawn?" Caspian inquires quietly so as not to disturb the others as they gaze at the carvings.

"He was the first Narnian I met, Mr. Tumnus." She smiles, her eyes shining brightly. "He was one of my dearest friends."

Turning away from a carving of a centaur to gaze at Caspian, Peter croaks out, "What is this place?"

"I'm not sure what it may be to you. The Narnians have lost much of their history, so they aren't fully sure either." Caspian admits as he grabs a spare torch from a wall sconce and wanders further into the tunnel with the siblings. Eventually it opens into a dark cavern and Caspian finds a hollowed area with what looked like oil in it. He sticks his torch in the basin and it blazes brightly, the fire traveling around the room. The light illuminates relief sculptures lining the walls, and directly across from the opening stands Aslan, proud and strong. With the room now bright, they can see a cracked stone in the middle of crumbling pillars. Lucy chokes on a sob as Susan gasps.

"The Stone Table." She brings her hands to her face as Lucy walks toward the massive stone. Peter and Edmund looked at it with new understanding, horror, and awe.

"What is the Stone Table?" Caspian whispers as Lucy tentatively reaches out to touch the stone, shoulders shaking.

"It is where Aslan was killed in place of a traitor." Edmund stares at the Table. Caspian looks at him in shock.

"He knows what He's doing." Lucy states, turning to stare at her siblings and Caspian.

"Yes," Peter stared at the relief of Aslan. "Now let us ensure we do our part."

Incomplete sentence

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