Chapter 8

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As Edmund and Peter emerge from the How, they see Peter's troops lining the walk and cheering. They join Caspian and Glenstorm to meet halfway between the two armies, where Miraz and his three companions are already situated. They see Miraz mutter something to his General but aren't worried; they have contingencies for when the Telmarines break the accord. The Kings draw their swords and stalk forward to begin circling each other.

"There is still time to surrender." Miraz calls from behind his face guard.

Peter smirks ferally, "By all means, feel free."

"How many more must die for the throne?"

"Just one!" Peter lowers his face guard and charges. They begin trading blows in earnest, both with their swords and shields.


As Lucy emerges from one of the back entrances, she hears several horses charging on the ridge above her.

"Ride!" They call out, and Lucy urges her horse into a gallop, managing to put some space between herself and her pursuers as her horse is carrying much less weight. She finds a small cave hidden by boulders and hanging ivy that Trumpkin mentioned in case they were watching the How. She hides inside and waits until after the Telmarines have passed her and their noise fades into the distance before she leaves and hurries in the opposite direction.


Peter and Miraz continue trading blows, no blood drawn yet. Peter manages to slip behind Miraz and deliver a vicious swipe at his back, but despite Miraz's groan, his armor protects him. Peter slips under his next charge and slices at his stomach, but again Miraz's armor holds. Miraz manages to dodge Peter's next swing and bashes Peter in the face with his shield, nocking his helmet off. Peter leans away from Miraz's swing but ducks under the next one and slices the outside of Miraz's thigh, drawing first blood. Miraz groans and staggers back slightly, holding the wound. Peter stands at the ready before charging and swinging at Miraz. Miraz, however, ducks and swings low, forcing Peter to jump and roll. Peter regains his feet before Miraz charges again to trade blows. Miraz suddenly swings out his leg, sweeping Peters feet out from under him. Before Peter can get up or roll away, Miraz stomps on his shield, dislocating Peter's shoulder and straining his elbow. Peter yells in pain before swinging up at Miraz to get him off his shield. It works and Peter is able to roll away from Miraz's retaliation swing. He has to keep rolling as Miraz advances, before Peter rolls toward him causing Miraz to trip and fall. Peter gets up, as does Miraz, but Peter's face is pinched in pain.

"Does His Highness need a respite?" Miraz growls mockingly.

Seeing no reason to refuse, Peter asks, "Five minutes?"

"Three." Miraz snarls before they both hobble over to their companions, who have set out something for them to sit on. Peter nods up at Susan, who was standing with the other archers, before going to sit down. Edmund stops him and gestures at their worried people. Peter forces a grin and holds his sword up to them, causing them to cheer before he sits down. Glancing at the Telmarines who are observing him in turn, he grimaces as Caspian removes his shield.

"I think it's dislocated," he mutters to Edmund, who comes around to look.

"It is," Edmund grips his arm. "What's your favorite color?"

"Edmund-" Peter groans as Edmund pops his shoulder back into place.

"Tell me later. Can you still support you shield?" He glances at Miraz, who has risen to his feet.

"Yeah." Peter takes his shield from Edmund, rather than strapping it on, and his sword from Caspian. He turns down his helmet and seeing that, Miraz pushes his away as well. Both armies cheer as their Kings approach one another again. Peter charges in but is quickly pushed back as Miraz repeatedly bashes his shield against Peter's until he trips over a bit of uneven ground and falls, dropping his shield. Miraz stumbles back a bit before charging in with a swing that Peter deflects before spinning his legs up in the air to disorient Miraz and ramming them into the Telmarine's legs as Peter flips onto his chest, causing the man to fall as Peter swings his sword, which Miraz blocks before they both scramble to their feet. Peter ducks inside Miraz's next swing and wrestles Miraz's sword from his grasp. He swings his sword at Miraz, who ducks only to be bashed in the face the with handle of his lost sword. Peter flings the extra sword away before delivering several heavy blows to Miraz's shield. He jabs at Miraz, who traps the sword between his arm and body, punching Peters hand away before backhanding him across the face as he lets the sword fall. He bashes Peter with his shield, but when he goes for another hit Peter grabs the shield and spins it around, twisting Miraz's arm behind his back before he drops the shield and elbows Peter in the face. Grabbing Peter's armor, he throws him to the ground and retrieves his sword. Peter dodges the first swing, deflects the next two off his vambraces before swinging at the wound on Miraz's thigh with a yell. He hits true and Miraz stumbles back, panting and groaning as he clutches his leg.

"Respite!" Miraz gasps as Peter staggers forward and raises his fist again. "Respite..." Peter halts his advance, and after some hesitation he drops his fist and walks over to his companions, leaving Miraz to glower at the Lords. Hearing a sword scrape the stones, he thinks it's just Miraz retrieving it but Edmund's shout causes him to turn just in time to duck Miraz's blow. At Miraz's next stab, Peter grabs the blade and twists it, knocking it from Miraz's grasp while also jerking him toward Peter who spins and uses Miraz's own momentum to impale him on the sword. Miraz gasps and the blade pierces his chest through the gap in his chest piece before collapsing to the ground as Peter yanks the blade free and raises it high. The Telmarines behind Miraz stare impassively as Peter holds the sword.

"What's the matter, boy?" Miraz rasps. "Too cowardly to take a life?" Peter stares at Miraz before straightening up.

"It's not mine to take." He turns and offers the sword to Caspian, who hesitates before coming to grasp it. Peter retrieves his own sword before standing back by Edmund. Caspian levels the blade to impale Miraz's throat.

"Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you do have the making of a Telmarine King after all."

Caspian can't help but smile as he realizes, "No, but I do have the makings of a Narnian one." With that he drives the blade into Miraz, no thoughts of revenge in his heart. A cheer rises up from the Narnians and Glenstorm holds out his sword in salute before the sound of a horn suddenly rings out from the Telmarine army and the Narnian Kings look to see the Miraz's companions charging back to their army on horseback as the soldiers begin advancing and the war machines get ready to fire.

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