CHAPTER3:The school

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Kei felt the world around him wasn't worth watching. The ground swayed under his feet. His head hung down as if someone was pulling him with a noose. The sky was no longer bright blue, but rather a broken heart. The clouds were not fluffy and white, they were stone gray. Kei's shoulders slumped as he followed the dean inside. She introduced herself as Dean Brunhilde. He was limping towards "his room". A room the dean hoped to make him feel at home. The chatter among the students was just white noise to Kei. His mind kept repaying this moment forever. If you had asked him a year ago if he would ever think his mother would leave him, he would have told you no. Never in his young mind did he think that the only person in his life would leave him. The stone archways which just a few minutes ago seemed magical and regal now resemble prison corridors. Kei didn't want to remember anything from today. He wanted everything to go away.

"Well, uh here is your room. You will be sharing and uh I'll come and get you when it is time for lunch. After lunch you will have your first lesson." the dean spoke. "Ok." Kei mumbled. Kei looked at his room, there were two beds one on each side. The beds looked a lot more comfortable than what he got at home. There were shelves covering both walls and there was a window right in front of the door, which was large enough to accommodate two men. There were also offices. Although Kei liked the play, it was the last thing on his mind. His mother left him, to live with strangers. His mother who spent all of her time worrying about Kei, even when it seemed like she didn't care. She just left. Left him to be on his own. Suddenly, those thoughts changed from sadness they changed into thoughts of wonder and bewilderment. He wondered if there was anyone else in the world that felt the same way. He wished if they could be friends. Little did he know that someone else was also making that wish.

Not kenning when time had past, Kei auricularly discerned the door creak. There was no clock in the room so he thought it was the dean was coming to collect him. "Are you confused on which side is yours?" a hoarse voice thundered. Kei steeled his nerves and turned around. His eyes widen with shock, terror and dismay, it was the black haired boy from earlier today. He stood in the door way tall and proud as if he wanted to prove himself the bigger man. Kei looked past it. "You know I never got your name. Since we are roommates, I think it's best if I know." Kei cooly replied. "Tch, if you really want to know it's Aric. Who does he think he is?" Aric grumbled as he walked into the room a little further. Kei was honestly shocked to hear his name simply because he never thought that "Aric" would tell him his name that easily. Not to step on Aric's toes but Kei was also bemused that he knew another language. "So you gonna tell me yours or do I have to beat it out of you?" Aric rather harshly responded. " Kei Tang." Kei whispered. Footsteps could be heard from down the corridoor, despite only being here for less than day he recognised them as Dean Brunhilde's. The atmosphere in the room for a third party would be daunting to say the least. But for the pair in the room it was expected. The sun's heat added to the tention-not-tension. the dean's footsteps were getting closer, only at this point the sound like the ticking of a clock. As the author of this scene I must say that I do find it strange that both of them are still standing up like do you want me to get you a chair? Nah, I'll just let these ten year olds suffer. The dean was now outside the door. She stood infront of the door worried. Worried perhaps is the wrong word to use here, maybe perturbed about the situation? "Kei, I see that you have met your roommate. Uh it is now time for lunch and here is your schedule." the dean spoke attempting to ease the tension (even thought there wasn't much tension to begin with). Kei walked over to the dean walking with as much strength he could. He took the schedule carefully and examined it as if it would kill him. Kei was astounded to his schedule.

8:30AM - History of Foxwood                           Prof. Hastings

9:30AM - Mathematics                                        Prof. Moore

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