CHAPTER4: Unusual excitement PART:1

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Kei enjoyed his stay at Arbed. The lessons were interesting so were the teachers, although hideous amount of homework was tedious and long. Kei did disike one thing though, that was Aric. The puffed up, cocksure boy, who acted as if he ran the school. Kei's burning hate for him was so strong you could light 30 bonfires with it. No matter how hard teachers tried to get them to cooperate. It simply won't happen.

On the way back to his room, Kei found himself wandering back to a wish he made 4 years ago. Wonder if anyone was also missing their mother? A little voice in his heart told him he would meet them very soon. Kei opened the door with a longing feeling. "Hey! There's little thing called knocking." Aric spat with venom dripping from every word. There are honestly not enough words to describe how much they hate each other. Kei walks in ignoring Aric. "Shut up. You ain't shit" Kei replied having enough of this bullshit. "What did you say dick?" Aric questioned. Kei flopped on his bed not caring if Aric asked him something or not. The otherwise warm sun poured its last embers into the room. Spilling its golden rays across the floor, Kei fiddled with the corner of his duvet. Giggles were heard outside Aric and Kei's shared room, but they were female voices. The supposed girls knocked on the door. Kei and Aric looked at each other. Must be a miracle, these two looked at each other without trying to hit each other. "Hahaha. Stop they're gonna hear." girl #1 spoke. "What did I lie?" girl #2 replied. Without a second thought Aric threw open the door. Immediately, he was faced with two girls, one with long black hair and one with short blond hair. "Um hello, I was wondering if um you two were um single?" the black haired girl asked with a cautious tone. "Why do you want to know?" Kei replied lazily from his bed. "Nevermind." the blond girl blushed. The girls turned away and fled like mice running into a trap. Aric turned from the door and closed it with a hard slam.

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