The Future History of a Regretted Species

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Once upon a time, there was a race of beings forged in rebellion, anger, and violence. They colonized and conquered everything they could. The so-called "heroic" ones, at least. The ones everyone knew about.

They named every species they could find on their planet, believing them all to be inferior. They were selfish to think that, of course. Even the name of their own species meant wise in a language of a people that attempted to have power over the whole planet.

All of it. Here is another example of the violent beliefs of other members of this species:

When geological separation caused groups of them to slightly evolve separately, and they appeared a bit different from each other, one group started a centuries-long war and genocide against the others. You see, this was not a very bright species.

When some members of this species started to create technology in the nineteenth century, they began to kill their planet slowly. Over the course of three hundred years, the planet turned from being perfectly habitable to being a hot, watery, acidic place not suitable for them. It could be prevented but was not because although the change was so noticeable, some did not believe it existed. Many were being oblivious and ignorant. Especially the ones in possession of both a strange material concept called money and a strange immaterial concept they called power.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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