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you were stunned, taking aback from the comment draco malfoy had thrown at you, it was the worst one yet, it felt as if someone had shot daggers into your heart, "y/n.." Harry's voice trailed off, his hand going to rest on top of your shoulder. You pushed his hand off of you, and nodded his way. "I'm gonna head back in my dorm. Thanks guys." You whispered to the lot of them, and making your way out of the great hall. he was leaning against the wall facing the great hall, "come with me." Draco's voice was loud.

"No." You shook your head, and began to walk away. his hand caught your wrist, it was a tight hold but not enough to give you actual pain, but you're dramatic. you winced. "Draco let go." You spat, he did, he let go of your hand only to push your body into the wall. "I said, you're coming with me. Don't you wish to know why I said that?" Draco had a smirk plastered all over his lips, and of course you did, "lead the way, and I will follow. But touch me like this again, malfoy and I'll make sure you'll regret even living." You answered back, you were done being quiet.

Draco grabbed your wrist once more, and pulling you down into the slytherin dungeons, he whispered his password and we walked through, he showed me the way to his dorm room, he sat on his bed, loosening the tie he wore, "speak, malfoy." You clamoured, this bloody git was taking his time.

"You have to come with me, holiday break. Demanded by your parents that you visit the manor home with me." Draco was calm, cool and collected, and you, you were bloody raging with anger you've never felt before, you've got an outstanding headache on the right side of your head, "why would I want to come with you?" You sneered, anger was clearly showing and venom practically rushed through your blood.

"Not my orders, Mercer. You think I would love to spend my break with some blood traitor?" Draco scoffed, "you don't have a choice, your parents owl'ed you already, if you don't believe me you dumb prat." Draco was fuming now.

"Why did you say that about my father?" You asked, "why would you say that my father wanted you to make my life a living hell." No response, he wasn't saying anything, and that made you groan in frustration. "Answer me, for merlins sake." You yelled out, your voice was high, your nerves were damaged already, and you were so ready to slam anything into the floor, punch a wall, or anything at this point.

"You'll soon find out, it was foolish of me to bring it up, your parents will speak to you about when we go home, we are leaving soon. So my suggestion, start packing. And don't yell at me again, you'll regret it." Draco brushed you off, "now leave my room, before I get seen with you, blood traitor."

you didn't need to be told twice, you were so fed up with this bloody dumb git, but I guess that's the term of dumb blonde's, and he was so full of himself, you made your way to the gryffindor tower, hermione wasn't in the dorm yet, it was early and she seemed to be having a great time with viktor, you were happy for her. truly, but she deserved to be with Ron.

a letter was on your bed, it had the original coffee stained color, the green wax that was melted messily but stamped with a 'm', you opened the letter effortlessly, you knew it was from your parents, were you afraid to speak to them? Yes, did you want to speak to them? No. Were you upset? Yes.

to our dearest darling princess,
darling y/n, you will be meeting with Draco malfoy and come home with him, he will escort you to the malfoy manor where you will stay. we have so much to speak about when you get here, love you lots.

xx mum and dad.

bullshit, whole bloody bullshit. anger fumed from you once more, the headache was never ending, you turned to look yourself in the mirror, the white piece of hair that stuck out, was shining even brighter. your face shown pure anger, it wasn't the happy jolly y/n, you were furious, upset, filled with rage, filled with pure darkness. you couldn't even bare to look at yourself, taking off the high heel you wore, and throwing into the mirror, you cackled when the mirror shattered all over the floor, hearing the sound made you feel so much better. although you wished you threw your shoe in malfoy's face, your imagination settled you for now.

You kicked off the other shoe, grabbing your trunk from underneath your bed, and throwing whatever piece of clothing you had, tears threatened to spill, but you pushed yourself together, instead you fell down on your knees, grabbing the soft pillow from your bed that was covered with a red silk pillowcase, placed it onto your lap,you dropped your head to the pillow, and you let out a scream, a scream you only let out when you were absolutely fed up, the pillow muffled most of your screaming, you had to leave this room, you couldn't bare to be in it any longer.

you changed into something more casual, more comfortable, and you gripped your wand into your hand, it wasn't curfew yet, and many people were still at the Yule ball, and you dashed to the astronomy tower, your hands gripped the astronomy tower rail, you didn't even care if the cold winter hit you in the face like a brick, you were glad to be away from your room that you had leave soon, to go with malfoy. Which you dreaded, you absolutely dreaded. You were thinking about dropping out, never returning to Hogwarts if you ever had to look at his stupid face again, this was ridiculous, Hogwarts was ridiculous, you heard whispering from behind you.

you turned your head immediately, you didn't see anyone, no one was up here besides you, "come to the dark side." You heard multiple times, whispering, chanting like. "Who's there?" You shouted out, and no one answered, no one was there. It's your imagination, y/n. You thought to yourself, "let your anger control you. Come to the dark side." It was a dark, evil, malicious voice, it was stern. It was heavy, you whipped your head once more, no one, not even a shadow in the darkness.

"Whoever is playing games with me, I will not be afraid to kill you." You shouted once more, and once again, silence, complete darkness, your hands gripped the rail even harder. your hands burning from the cold rail, and from you holding on so tight. You heard footsteps running up the stairs, "what are you doing up here?" Malfoy's voice called out. "I heard screaming." He added on.

"Malfoy, I swear to Merlin, if you're messing with me, I will not hesitate to end your life," you pulled your wand out, and walked towards him. The wand you once hidden, you gripped tightly in your hand pointing it at his neck, digging it slightly into the flesh. "Woah, can you calm down for a second. I'm not messing with you." Draco threw his hands in the air as a sign of defeat, and surrender. "You were whispering to me, and playing with me." You shouted at him.

Draco gulped, and shook his head. "I just came up here, Mercer, I have no idea what you are talking about." He admitted, you sighed out loudly, removing the wand from his neck. When suddenly his wand was at your neck, pushing you back into a wall, you walked back slowly your body hitting the cold concrete wall,

"now listen to me, little girl. No one and I mean no one, gets to talk to me the way you do, so what do you think makes you so special that you think you can speak to me like that?"draco spat, not removing his wand from your neck. "I'm not afraid of you, malfoy. You can try all you want, but to me you are just a scared little boy, with daddy issues who tries to cover up his fear with anger. " you spat back, venom dripping from your tongue. the tears that threatened to spill all day made your lip quiver.

"Go ahead and cry little girl, nobody cries like you do." Draco had a smirk plastered on his face, and you wanted so badly to smack it off, instead you reached your hands up to his hips, your fingernails lightly gripping them. "What are you doing?" Draco questioned, "do you ever shut up malfoy!" You yelled at him, and he laughed. "No I don't."

your hands travelled up his back, dancing your fingers all the way up to the back of his neck, you could've feel the tingles that raised all the way up to his neck. "You know, you're rather handsome Draco." You almost gagged at yourself, "tell me something I don't know, Mercer. Get your filthy blood traitor hands off of me." He spat, and your fingers tugged lightly at the back of his hair. Draco's eyes widened, his hands instantly dropping the wand from your neck, and you laughed getting out of his grip. "See you later, malfoy." You whispered, and made your way down back to the tower.

"what a prat." Draco whispered to himself. although he wouldn't admit it, he liked it, he enjoyed it very much seeing you riled up, practically feeling your heartbeat against his chest. he would never speak about this moment because although it wasn't his choice, he had to pretend to hate you as much as he could've, or else he would be in deep waters.

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