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"Where were you last night?" I jumped at the sound of my mother's voice when I stepped inside the apartment

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"Where were you last night?" I jumped at the sound of my mother's voice when I stepped inside the apartment. My head was sore and my body was cold. I had spent the whole night on the roof.

The clock read 9 AM. I don't think I would have left if Jackson hadn't made me. He claimed that I stunk and needed a shower. I would call bull shit if it wasn't true. It's hard to shower when the water gets shut off. But that's what happens when no one pays the bill. I took a long drag of my cigarette, looking at my seemingly sober mother.

"Does it matter?" I asked, pulling off Jacksons sweatshirt.

My mother pursed her lips and crossed her arms over her chest. "Yes it does matter, because I'm your mother Felicity. And you're 12," I rolled my eyes, grabbing the bottle of Gatorade from the fridge. She was my mother when it was convenient for her. "Meaning, you have to tell me where you are, and come home at night."

I scoffed and looked at her impassively. "I didn't think you would be sober enough to comprehend." I smiled sarcastically.

She stood up straight and growled at me. "You don't get to comment on my drinking habits Felicity."

My cigarette dangled from my fingers as I shook my head in disbelief. "Don't I?" I was beyond done with this conversation.

"I'm doing better Felicity. I've been trying hard."

Trying hard was being passed out cold every single night for the last six days. Total bull shit. "Sure you have." I scoffed, walking through the door to the hallway. I didn't have the energy to deal with her. She was so fucking draining, all the goddamn time.

"I'm going away for a while Felicity." I heard Mom yell after me. I stopped and turned around.

"Where are you going?" I asked, slowly. I wasn't sure I wanted the answer. Or needed it. I knew where she was going. By now, the whole fucking building knew where she was going.

"Vegas. Gonna get some work there."

I paused, absorbing this information. I couldn't say I was shocked. Disappointed, but not shocked. "When do you leave?" My voice was significantly lower now. This was far from the first time she had done this. My mother wanted to remind me how young I was when it benefited her, then leave me here for weeks on end while she did god knows what in Vegas.

"Tonight. I'll be gone for about a month. Mrs.Crawley next door will come check on you."

I shook my head. "Un-fucking-believable." I whispered to myself.

"I'll leave 200 bucks for food. You should be all set for a while." That 200 would end up being 125 by the time she took her cut of it. I was practically shaking with rage. "Now this isn't ideal Felicity-"

"It's bull shit, is what it is."

"I'm doing the best I can. For the both of us."

I looked at the ground. I couldn't meet her eyes. I was ashamed of her. I was ashamed to call her my mother. I shouldn't have to do this at 12. I can't believe I'm 12 sometimes. I feel so much goddamn much older.

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